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Former School Lane Clinic, British Lane, KETTERING, Northamptonshire, NN16 0BP
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children take part in a wide range of activities that are enjoyable and contribute to their learning in this welcoming nursery. Children benefit significantly from the highly effective partnerships that staff build with their parents.
Staff provide parents with lots of information to help them continue their children's learning at home and to provide a joined-up approach. For example, staff support parents with specific issues such as the use of dummies and screen time. This, along with daily discussion, written and electronic feedback ensures children receive a very consistent experience.
Children are happy and clearl...y demonstrate a secure sense of well-being. Children's behaviour is very good. They thoroughly enjoy activities that are supervised by staff and they are confident to speak and share their ideas.
Babies are comforted by cuddles from staff and enjoy the positive interaction, for example when they play with pretend food in the home corner. Children are safe because staff are deployed effectively throughout the nursery.Staff have high expectations for children.
They actively promote children's increasing independence. Older babies listen as staff talk to them about using a tissue to wipe their nose. They then walk across the room to where they know the tissue box is kept.
Toddlers know how to hang their coat up by finding the loop or using the hood. Pre-school children are confident to use large spoons to serve their own food at lunchtime.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The management team works well with the staff to support their ongoing professional development.
Staff comment on the positive impact of training. Their increased knowledge and confidence enable them to provide children with activities that promote their interests and learning. Additionally, managers provide constructive support for staff to ensure their workload remains manageable, and they sensitively consider staff's well-being.
Children consistently show a positive attitude to their activities. They are curious and remain engaged in their chosen play for lengthy periods. Relationships in the nursery are positive and respectful.
Staff speak clearly to children, so they know what is expected of them. For example, pre-school children are informed when the session is coming to an end. This helps them prepare to finish what they are doing and help to tidy toys away.
Children make secure friendships. They look for their friends and ask them to join in games. They show care and concern for one another.
Children enjoy small-group activities that contribute to their early literacy skills. Toddlers choose the songs they want to sing as they select from a range of story spoons. Pre-school children are excited to use phonics as they become familiar with the alphabet.
However, staff sometimes miss opportunities to help extend children's learning about the meaning of written words and letters.Staff are positive and effective in their interactions with children. For example, they encourage toddlers to develop their physical skills outside in the garden.
Staff talk to the pre-school children as they show awe and wonder when they dig in the mud and find worms. However, sometimes, staff do not use these opportunities to further enhance children's deeper thinking and learning.Staff work closely with parents to find out about the experiences children have at home.
The planning of activities takes account of the information parents provide and staff successfully broaden children's experiences. For example, children have a wealth of opportunities to play in the nursery garden where there is a good range of resources to support their physical development. For example, they climb, balance and learn how to pedal and steer tricycles.
Children are excited to take part in messy play activities. They explore different textures, such as ice, lentils, mud and sand.Staff are vigilant in meeting children's individual care needs.
For example, they work closely with parents to support children when they are toilet training. Staff provide gentle reminders for children. They are sensitive to them and reassure children.
Staff change children's clothes if required to ensure they are dry and comfortable.Children make good progress in their learning and development. Staff know the children well.
The planning of activities builds on what children already know and provides them with suitable challenges. Staff are very responsive to children's ideas and they adapt planned activities as necessary to follow their interests. Staff use their observations of children during play well and make accurate assessments of children's progress.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff understand how to keep children safe and protect their welfare. All staff complete training in safeguarding.
This ensures that their knowledge of the signs and symptoms of abuse remains up to date. Thorough recruitment procedures are in place to check the suitability of new staff. Existing staff make regular declarations to confirm their ongoing suitability.
Risk assessments are completed and reviewed regularly. The management team continually checks the furniture and equipment for safety and takes prompt steps when hazards are identified, to reduce the risk to children.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: focus more precisely on extending children's developing literacy skills, particularly during group activities make the most of opportunities that arise during children's play to promote their deeper thinking and interest in what they are doing.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.