Mother Goose Nursery

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About Mother Goose Nursery

Name Mother Goose Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Address 16-18 Bellevue Road, Ramsgate, Kent, CT11 8LB
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Kent
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

The dedicated and enthusiastic staff provide an exciting environment.

Children have strong attachments to staff, often seeking them out for reassurance throughout the day. New children settle quickly and begin forming close friendships with their peers. Children are often engrossed in imaginative play with their friends, such as feeding hungry dinosaurs in the sand and going on adventures in the garden.

Staff use visual and verbal reminders of the rules and routines of the day. They support children to show consideration for others by taking turns and sharing. Children learn valuable social skills as they interact well... with others during activities.

Staff are animated in their interactions with children, and this encourages children to have a positive attitude to their learning. Staff provide many varied learning opportunities for children. They are based around children's interests, such as sand and water play, to encourage children to take part and enjoy their learning experiences.

Younger children giggle as they give pumpkins spaghetti hair and learn colours as they thread beads. Older children beam as they join in with large group music sessions and take turns to throw bean bags at a tower. Children are well supported to become confident, independent learners who enjoy seeking out new challenges.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The manager supports staff well. Staff feel listened to and enjoy being part of a close working team. The manager uses supervision well to identify training needs to improve practice and develop skills in new areas.

For example, staff have recently improved their knowledge on how to support children's communication and language.Overall, the curriculum is well sequenced and builds on what children know and can already do. Staff play alongside children to support them to extend learning in their self-chosen play.

For example, older children thoroughly enjoy using the vet role-play area and learn about how to care for animals. Staff build on their interest to introduce mathematics by weighing the teddies. However, at times, staff set out activities for older children without identifying a clear learning intent.

Although children are keen to explore the resources, the lack of precise planning does not support staff to make the best of these learning opportunities.Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are well supported and make good progress. Staff implement individual educational plans that help to close gaps in learning.

They use advice and guidance from external professionals, such as specialist teachers, effectively. Leaders use funding well to provide a stimulating and inclusive learning environment.Staff support younger children well to concentrate on their learning.

They create a calm environment and speak clearly and slowly. For example, staff encourage younger children to use tweezers to transfer plastic spiders into a pumpkin. Children exclaim with joy when they can do it and repeat the learning many times.

Sometimes, the noise level in the older children's room rises to a high level, making it difficult for children to fully focus and concentrate.Staff support children effectively to learn how to behave well. They are good at helping children to share and begin building positive friendships.

For example, children enjoy creating a painting together while they have their hands on each other's back for comfort. Staff teach children to resolve disputes. They use calm words and remind children of the rules.

Children become independent and confident with the support of staff. For example, children serve their own meals, clear away their plates and help with washing up the dishes. Children also learn to manage their personal care, such as putting on their coats and wiping their noses.

They exclaim with joy, 'I did it', showing pride in themselves and a 'can-do' attitude to learning.Staff collect and use key words in children's home languages to support those who speak English as an additional language. They regularly use visual aids to help children learn the nursery routines.

The manager and staff take the time to research and understand different cultures, including their traditions and food. Parents are also involved, and this helps the children to feel settled and understand their differences and similarities.The manager and staff establish positive partnerships with parents.

Staff keep parents informed about the activities their children have enjoyed and what they need to learn next. Staff provide a wealth of resources for parents to take home to support children's learning, behaviour and well-being.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

All staff have a clear understanding of child protection. They complete regular training to update and expand their knowledge. Staff understand the importance of making prompt referrals should they have any concerns about a child.

Staff undertake effective risk assessments to reduce and minimise any potential hazards. The manager follows effective and robust recruitment procedures.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: develop staff's understanding of how to support older children better during planned activities, to enable children to gain the intended skills and knowledge support staff to monitor and manage the noise levels indoors, to help older children to fully engage in activities and concentrate on their learning.

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