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Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
The passionate and highly committed leaders provide a wealth of nurture and support for the children in this setting. Children benefit from staff who see their safety and well-being as of paramount importance. Staff know the children and their families very well.
The setting hosts community events, bringing families together in a warm and welcoming environment. As a result, children and families feel valued. The strength of this partnership supports children to make good progress.
Staff encourage and model empathy to children throughout the setting. As a result, the children are kind and caring towards each other. Chil...dren are taught to be independent learners, exploring the stimulating, learning environment and appealing activities on offer.
This adds to their blossoming confidence. The enthusiastic staff team has created an environment where all children, whatever their start in life, are able to flourish. Managers and staff are overwhelmingly committed to removing barriers that children face in learning.
Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) receive focused and personalised support to help them succeed. The provision for children with SEND is a significant strength of the setting. Staff are extremely proactive in identifying children who may have SEND, and they work closely with parents to ensure that they can access the right support.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The leadership team has a clear vision for the nursery and is ambitious in its plans to develop the provision. The leadership team monitors staff's performance through supervision, and staff can access training opportunities. This helps to ensure that they update their skills.
Staff report they feel supported in their roles and their well-being is good. They work well together and are deployed effectively to meet the needs of the children. Staff communicate effectively as a team, and this helps to provide consistent care and support for the children.
Leaders' dedication to inclusion and diversity is inspiring. Staff closely collaborate with parents and carers, ensuring that every family's unique dynamics are celebrated and supported. For instance, the staff actively engage with bilingual families to incorporate meaningful activities into the setting.
This includes using key words from home languages, sharing stories and introducing traditional dances into daily experiences. This helps children to feel valued and included.Staff provide many opportunities for children to engage with their local community.
Children learn about kindness and empathy for others when handing out gifts to people in the community as an act of kindness. Staff teach children about the similarities and differences of others. Children gain a deep understanding of culture and diversity, preparing them for life in modern Britain.
Staff build strong relationships with parents. Parents report on the consistent information-sharing and that they know their children's next steps in learning. They comment on the progress that the children make, in particular their confidence and social interactions.
Parents value the staff's dedication and passionate support for their children's learning.Staff provide opportunities for children to develop respectful attitudes. They regularly travel on the bus and learn about people who help them.
Through experiences such as travelling on public transport and meeting community helpers, they gain an understanding of the world around them.Children are motivated to learn. They persevere in their own self-chosen challenges.
For example, children show significant confidence and high levels of concentration as they revisit experiences, such as using pump bottles to dispense paint for colour mixing. Children make their our play dough and then weigh it out to fairly share it with their friends. As a result, children learn to persist, developing resilience and problem-solving skills.
Staff plan interesting activities that are based on children's interests and learning needs. However, occasionally, staff do not successfully carry out what they have identified they want children to learn. Consequently, some children's learning is not as precisely supported as staff intend.
Staff surround children with a wonderful variety of cultural books to help promote children's uniqueness. Home-made books are provided for children to help them to relate to their families and others. The children take books home so that they can continue this love of books with their families.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nembed the curriculum intent fully so that staff build on what children already know and can do.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.