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About Nafferton Out Of School Club
Nafferton Out Of School Club
Nafferton Primary School, Westgate, Nafferton, DRIFFIELD, North Humberside, YO25 4LJ
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Staff carefully plan the sessions for children. They provide a good range of resources that are appropriate for the different ages of children who attend.
Children understand the club rules and expectations. For example, they put their coats and bags in a designated place as they arrive. Children obviously enjoy spending time at the club.
They are all engaged and purposeful as they play together. Staff are very responsive to children. They listen to children talk about their day at school with interest.
Children show much affection for the friendly staff team. They welcome the help that staff give them, for exampl...e, as they encounter challenges when building a structure with construction materials. Staff offer just the right amount of support to enable children to overcome these difficulties to reach a successful outcome.
Staff ensure that the atmosphere in the club is very welcoming and friendly. They greet the children warmly as they arrive. Staff are quick to respond when children ask for a particular resource.
Consequently, children feel motivated, safe and confident in their surroundings. Children behave well and show good levels of cooperation. They share popular resources, such as the toy farm, so that everyone can participate.
Staff manage any minor disagreements between children sensitively.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
There are excellent partnerships with the host school. The club staff work very closely with school staff to ensure the ongoing safety and well-being of children.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the club aligned the organisation of different ages of children to mirror those implemented by school, such as when class bubbles were required in school to minimise contact between different age groups.Staff make sure that there are opportunities for children to relax after a busy day at school. Children enjoy sitting quietly in the reading area, sharing a favourite book with a friend.
Parents speak highly of the club and staff. They know that their children enjoy attending. Parents say that the activities and resources are well planned, and the dedicated staff care for their children's individual needs.
They value the flexible service that the club offers.The provider is very confident about the skills and knowledge that staff bring to the club. New staff have robust inductions, so that they fully understand club policies and procedures.
All staff are very positive about the support they receive for their well-being and professional development. They work well together and demonstrate a commitment to maintaining high standards all the time.Younger children are very well supported as they start to attend the club.
They build strong relationships with their key person, which helps them quickly settle into the sessions. Staff make sure that they find out about children's individual needs and interests. They want every child to have a meaningful and enjoyable time at the club.
Children particularly enjoy opportunities to be creative. Staff make sure that there are always different craft materials for children to use in their own ways. During the inspection, children made cards for Mother's Day.
They carefully used pens, scissors and glue to create their own individual cards. Staff were quick to praise their efforts and children showed much pride in their creations.The provider knows the strengths of the club and continues to find ways to improve the service.
Parents currently do not come into the club to drop off and collect children because of the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, the provider has introduced new ways of communicating with parents online. Parents are able to view the different activities that are planned for their children and can feel reassured that their children are safe and happy.
Children are always well supervised, including when they eat their snacks. They politely ask to go to the toilet, so that staff know where they are at all times. There are robust procedures in place for signing children in and out of the club.
Staff are vigilant about children's safety.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff are consistent in their safeguarding procedures.
They demonstrate a good understanding of the club's policies and procedures. The provider makes sure that staff access relevant training to keep their knowledge of safeguarding up to date, including keeping children safe online. New staff are well supported to understand all policies and procedures that relate to children's welfare.
All staff know the signs that may cause them to be concerned about a child. They know their responsibilities to report any concerns immediately to the safeguarding lead or relevant service. The club works closely with the host school to ensure children's well-being.