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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is outstanding
Children flourish at this outstanding nursery.
Babies demonstrate exceptionally strong and affectionate attachments with staff. They show delight as staff read, sing and respond to their babbling, developing firm foundations for their language development. Children feel secure and demonstrate a strong sense of ownership.
Toddlers confidently fetch water from the tap when they want to make 'tea' in their role-play area. Older children have helped to design and equip their room. They speak excitedly about how they will use their new computers to find out information.
Children's behaviour is exemplary. The...y show high levels of care and respect for others. Toddlers notice when another child joins their group and offer to share their toys.
Older children recognise when they have upset their friend by knocking over their tower. They are quick to say sorry and offer help to rebuild it.Children show high levels of involvement and a sense of wonder in their learning.
Older children marvel as they discover how clouds form and create rain. They are excited to demonstrate this by dripping coloured water through shaving foam 'clouds'. They describe what they have learned confidently and enthusiastically.
Babies immerse themselves in activities which stimulate their senses and inspire their curiosity. For example, painting which they explore on a large scale using their whole bodies.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The management team work tirelessly with staff to create a wonderfully inviting and stimulating environment.
Children are at the centre of all that they do. Children relish the opportunities to contribute to nursery life. They are proud to keep their nursery tidy and to help prepare their meals each day.
Parents describe the nursery as exceptional. Staff use an online application to send them photographs and updates on children's learning each day. Parents can see that their children are extremely happy and settled and they know how to continue children's learning at home.
Staff are carefully recruited for their professionalism and enthusiasm. They receive excellent coaching and targeted training, to develop their practice to the highest levels. This maintains the superb quality of teaching and ensures improvements are rapidly achieved.
Staff also develop their own passions, such as for music or reading. They become the nursery's 'experts' in these areas, to further enrich the education programmes for children.Staff have a superb understanding of how to sequence children's learning.
They skilfully use every opportunity to enhance their knowledge. For example, during block play, staff encourage children to count, calculate and recognise shapes.They support children to draw designs, talk about the features of buildings and demonstrate different ways to construct.
There are excellent systems to monitor children's progress. Staff quickly identify gaps in children's learning. They provide targeted support for children and seek advice from other professionals to enhance their teaching.
All children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities, those who receive additional funding and children who speak English as an additional language, make excellent progress.Children are eager to explore, discover and solve problems. They concentrate intently, remember and practise what they have learned.
Older children produce wonderful drawings and constructions, such as a model of Big Ben. They display their excellent vocabularies, using words, such as 'arches' and 'scaffolding'.There are strong links between the nursery and local services, such as the shops, bank, library and post office.
These offer impressive opportunities for children to learn about the world and their place within it.Opportunities to teach children about equality and diversity are skilfully woven throughout the curriculum and routines. Staff speak and listen to all children with the same respect they show to adults.
The home languages of staff and children are highly valued and spontaneously incorporated into play, such as when counting or singing songs.Children have excellent awareness of healthy living. They enjoy exceptional opportunities for active and vigorous play.
This includes activities such as yoga and tennis which develop useful skills and superb coordination. Many of their daily activities take place outdoors, such as in the woods or local green spaces. This contributes greatly to their health and well-being.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Managers and staff demonstrate exceptionally strong safeguarding knowledge. They regularly update their understanding of safeguarding, for example through training, questionnaires and quizzes.
All staff demonstrate extensive knowledge of wider safeguarding issues. They have a very strong understanding of how to recognise the signs of those displaying extremist views. Staff carefully assess risks to ensure the environment, outings and activities are safe.
They help children to recognise and respond appropriately to potential hazards. Managers have robust recruitment procedures in place that help to ensure new staff are suitable. All new staff receive a robust induction to help them understand their responsibilities to protect children.