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About Neil O’Sullivan Sports
Neil O’Sullivan Sports
Chesterfords Community Centre, Newmarket Road, Great Chesterford, Saffron Walden, Essex, CB10 1NS
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children take part in a good range of physically active games, such as football. They competently organise themselves into teams to play. Children are keen to explain the rules of the club.
They clearly know about the boundaries for outdoor play. Children play energetically and with lots of enthusiasm. They ride up and down the path on scooters, demonstrating their growing confidence and skill.
Children help themselves to regular drinks of water, understanding that they need to keep hydrated when they exercise.Staff sensitively support all children to join in and take part. They recognise each child as an individual and ge...ntly guide them when they are unsure.
Staff are positive role models for children and encourage good manners, turn taking and sharing. Children behave well and listen attentively to staff's instructions and requests. They respond positively to routines and boundaries, to keep themselves and others safe.
Children respond to the caring, nurturing approach of all staff. They recognise that staff are genuinely interested in them and value their contributions. This helps to create a positive environment, where children are enthusiastic and develop confident attitudes that support their ability to learn.
Staff offer praise and help children to celebrate their successes.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff support children very well to enjoy healthy lifestyles and make sure they can play outdoors for as long as they want to. The provider is passionate about offering interesting experiences that develop children's interest in being active, to help combat childhood obesity.
Children enjoy a range of healthy foods for snack, such as baked beans on toast and yoghurt. Staff encourage them to be independent, and remind them of good hygiene practice, such as regular handwashing.Children are engaged and settled.
They have good opportunities to relax and develop their social skills as they interact with others. Children draw and like being creative. They do not have lots of opportunities to see their work displayed that contributes to their sense of belonging.
Staff have established a good working relationship with school staff, and they talk to teachers regularly to exchange key information. They find out about children's time at school. This helps staff to plan activities that complement children's learning.
Children play in a safe environment. Staff deploy themselves well to help children as they play. They communicate effectively as a team, ensuring children are always supported by a familiar adult.
Staff know how to manage and minimise potential risks to children. They remind children how to keep themselves safe as they play.Staff work well with parents to find out about their child's needs and interests.
They exchange information about children's activities and time spent at the club. This helps to promote good continuity of care. Parents comment that staff are very friendly and approachable and their child looks forward to their time at the club.
The provider is well organised, which helps him to run the club efficiently. He monitors staff practice and arranges supervision meetings to discuss any issues or to plan training opportunities. Staff say that they are happy working at the club and feel very well supported in their role.
Staff ask children about their interests and use this information to plan daily activities. They make sure children have a good selection of resources to choose from. Children talk about the activities they like to do and are delighted to find their favourite toys are available.
This adds to children's enjoyment of their time at the club.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff have a good knowledge of how to protect children from harm and safeguard their welfare.
Staff regularly complete training to refresh their understanding. They have a good knowledge of how to report any concerns they may have about children in their care. Recruitment and vetting arrangements are rigorous.
This helps to ensure that staff working with children are suitable for their role. Staff carry out daily checks and risk assessments to ensure that the premises remain safe and secure. Effective staff deployment means that children are well supervised and cared for.