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About Nessies

Name Nessies
Address Icknield Infant & Nursery School, Archers Way, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire, SG6 4UN
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hertfordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are excited to arrive and thrive at this friendly before- and after-school club.

They have access to a variety of stimulating and age-appropriate activities and resources. Children remain deeply engaged in play because staff are passionate about the care they provide. Staff closely monitor children's interests and their changing needs.

They use this to create a well-considered environment that is exciting and stimulating for all children who attend.Children are familiar with the routines and rules in the club and follow them well. They arrive in an orderly manner and store their possessions away safely.

C...hildren understand the need to wash their hands before sitting down with their friends to enjoy their snack. They develop a deep sense of belonging and take ownership of their environment. Staff support this well by encouraging children to play a key role in planning sessions and establishing setting rules.

For example, during dinner children and staff discuss their favourite foods and plan the meals they will enjoy during future sessions.Children demonstrate they feel secure in the care of the nurturing staff. They share jokes together and children seek out adults for support and comfort.

Staff promote this sense of belonging by developing a deep understanding of all children who attend. They are swift to identify when children may be struggling and offer support that meets children's individual needs. For example, when children become frustrated in play, staff are swift to engage them in activities that promote their self-esteem.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Partnerships with the host school are of an exceptionally high standard. Leaders develop highly effective professional relationships with teaching staff and leaders. Their strong collaborative approach supports families and places children's interests at the heart of practice.

For example, the setting has established a 'walking bus' initiative that promotes children's attendance and punctuality at school.Leaders and staff are committed to enhancing practice and promoting the well-being of all children who attend. They seek feedback from parents and the host school and make well considered changes.

For example, children have access to a quiet, reflective area that supports their behaviour and emotional well-being. Leaders skilful monitoring of these changes ensures practice constantly evolves and continues to put children's needs first.Morale is high and the team report that they feel well supported.

Leaders conduct regular supervisions with staff to support their well-being and practice.They are passionate about developing staff knowledge and skills and ensures all team members gain recognised early years qualifications while employed at the setting.Staff create an exceptionally well-considered environment that promotes children's well-being and development and is centred around their interests.

For example, children have continuous access to outdoor play. They enjoy various sports activities with attentive staff. Planning is robust yet flexible.

Staff adapt planned activities continuously to support children's changing moods and physical abilities.Children are kind and considerate towards others and always demonstrate good manners and polite behaviour. Children delight at celebrating one another's skills and accomplishments.

For example, they are excited to show visitors the clay models and bracelets that they have all made.Staff are knowledgeable about their responsibility to keep children safe. They know the correct procedure to follow when a child has an accident and complete regular paediatric first-aid training.

Staff conduct regular risk assessments and supervise children extremely well during activities. For example, they use a radio system to communicate children's whereabouts with one another. All staff have a robust understanding of safeguarding issues and the correct process to follow when they have concerns.

Leaders are passionate about ensuring all children access high-quality wraparound care that supports their overall development and well-being. They understand the impact the time children spend in the setting has on their attitude to learning and the effectiveness of the time they spend at school. For example, leaders ensure all children start their day with a cooked breakfast at the club.

Children enjoy a healthy snack after school, and a nutritious hot dinner prior to going home.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
Icknield Infant and Nursery School Computerxplorers Icknield Holiday Camps

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