New Beginnings Day Nursery

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About New Beginnings Day Nursery

Name New Beginnings Day Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Address Sunrise Childrens Centre, Alderton School, Alderton Hall Lane, LOUGHTON, Essex, IG10 3HE
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Essex
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Children thrive in this extremely nurturing and caring nursery. Staff welcome children with enthusiasm and affection and children happily go off to explore. There is a tremendous sense of purpose and focus all around the nursery.

Babies investigate outside, climbing on the soft play and rocking on the see-saw. Older children make cupcakes, mixing the liquid and discussing the consistency. Children confidently lead their own play and chat about their ideas.

For example, children create a tabletop football pitch with goals. They discuss the rules, take turns to score and celebrate when they do. Children are confid...ent and proud of their achievements.

They draw pictures, write their own name on them to show their teachers and to visitors. Children demonstrate excellent behaviour. They show kindness and consideration for each other, and this results in high levels of well-being.

Children show concern for each other, are respectful and know how to share and take turns. For example, children show empathy for their friends when they are unwell and need to go home. Children are aware of keeping safe.

They clear up any spillages and explain the risks of leaving it as they could slip. Children have a true sense of belonging. They know the rules and boundaries and why they are in place.

For example, when children use the computer, they turn the egg timer on, as they know that they can play for a set period of time.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff provide an ambitious and well-planned curriculum that keeps children wonderfully engaged and focused on their learning. Staff skilfully know how to move children on when they are ready, and this results in children making rapid progress.

For example, older children remember what you can make and eat out of pumpkins. Younger children confidently talk about planets, and their names. They know that astronauts need a 'rocket' to fly.

Staff ensure children's learning is consolidated and their knowledge is embedded through revisiting activities.There are extremely strong relationships between staff and children. All children are treated with the utmost care and respect.

Staff model exemplary behaviour and are gentle and kind. They respect the children's individuality, taking care of their comfort toys for them, so children feel confident to go and explore other activities.Children make rapid progress in their ability to be independent.

This results in high levels of confidence. Children wash their hands in preparation for snack. They use tongs to select fruit, pour their own drinks and tidy away after themselves.

Children confidently put on their own coats and persevere to do up the fastenings. Staff empower children to carry out small tasks. Toddlers attempt to serve their own meals and staff build on their learning, giving the utmost praise for the smallest achievements.

Staff use every opportunity to support children's communication and emotional development. For example, children choose objects from a box and describe what they have found to their friends. Staff skilfully extend this, using more complex and descriptive words.

This helps to broaden children's vocabulary. Children are respectful as they wait patiently, take turns and listen intently to their friends.Leaders are committed to providing excellent care and education for children.

They organise meticulous systems of monitoring staff practice and supervision meetings. Any gaps in staff's training needs are quickly identified and acted on. Staff are reflective and readily take into account feedback to improve their practice.

They report their morale and well-being is high and that they feel very well supported and part of a team.Leaders and staff develop outstanding partnerships with parents. Parents say they would highly recommend the nursery and say their child is 'thriving' and has made 'amazing' progress.

Parents are kept fully informed of their child's progress. Leaders make considerable effort to settle in new children and act on transition information they receive from parents. Settling-in sessions are tailored to suit individual children and parents report how 'seamless' this is.

This results in new children settling quickly.Staff work very hard to ensure the nursery is fully inclusive. Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) receive exemplary care and education.

Leaders and staff are extremely knowledgeable and skilled in the identification of SEND and promptly implement strategies to support children, resulting in the most vulnerable children making rapid progress.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The manager and staff have an excellent understanding of safeguarding and how to keep children safe.

They are aware of the signs and symptoms of abuse and the local risks in their community. Leaders follows robust recruitment procedures. They ensure all staff have a through induction, so they are very clear about their role and responsibilities.

Staff are very clear about how to report any concerns or allegations about a colleague. Staff attend regular meetings, which help to support their knowledge on safeguarding and ensure it is up to date. The manager carries out regular risk assessments to minimise risks and maintain the children's safety.

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