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Newtown Nursery School, West Street, Colne, Lancashire, BB8 0HP
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children thrive in this nurturing nursery environment. They are kept safe and secure by experienced and well-qualified staff.
Toddlers develop key skills and learn about the world around them as they chose from a range of interesting resources. Outdoors, in the woodland area, they enjoy physical challenges and test out ideas as they explore.Children develop strong bonds with staff through warm and supportive interactions.
Toddlers show caring attitudes towards each other. They are learning to share and take turns. For example, toddlers enjoy an activity where they count, 'one, two, three, go' before they roll a ball do...wn a pipe.
This helps them to learn to wait before they act and to let their friends have a go too. Toddlers behave well and are sensitively supported to manage their feelings when things don't go their way.The daily routine is well structured and staff take every opportunity to promote children's independence.
The older toddlers are encouraged to pour their own drinks and help to prepare their snacks. Children are asked about their preferences. They are listened to and given time to respond to questions.
This supports children to confidently make choices and develop coordination. COVID-19 restrictions mean that parents do not always come into the rooms. However, staff take time to talk with parents and ensure children settle well.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Children are developing a real love of books. They can find books in all areas of the provision and regularly bring them to an adult to share. When sharing a book that makes animal noises children giggle with delight as they match the animals to the noises made.
Books are carefully selected and support children's growing vocabulary.Parents are extremely positive about the learning opportunities and standards of care provided by the staff. They say that their children are 'loved' by staff who make this a 'home away from home'.
Parents talk about the excellent progress that their children make. Staff make sure that special milestones in development are shared and work together with parents on topics including weaning and potty training.Carefully planned settling-in processes help staff to get to know each child before they attend.
Staff visit the children at home and tailor settling in procedures to meet children's individual needs. This helps children to develop strong bonds with their carers. Children are well prepared for the next stage of their nursery journey.
They enjoy time spent in the next room, supported by their key person, making new friends before moving on.Children have plenty of opportunities for climbing and balancing in the woodland area. Children are supported to safely explore the climbing hills and stepped areas, taking great satisfaction in their achievements.
Toddlers beam with pride as they move large trolleys full of leaves across the grass, developing strength and stamina.Children are becoming confident communicators. They are immersed in spoken language as staff constantly talk with them and sing to them.
Staff skillfully extend children's spoken vocabulary and also use signing to encourage every child to express themselves. Older toddlers are beginning to use their language to describe their play. For example, telling staff that 'tea's ready' as they play in the mud kitchen.
Children are supported to follow their own interests within the indoor and outdoor environment. Staff work hard to follow children's lead and extend their ideas. For example, children finding a snail in the garden became an opportunity for staff to introduce some new vocabulary as they chat about the snail.
However, when several children choose to be with one member of staff, it becomes difficult for staff to maximise learning opportunities and children become less engaged.Leaders are passionate and have a clear vision for the nursery. They prioritise the well-being and professional development of staff.
Leaders ensure that there is a well-structured curriculum and seek additional funding to further enhance provision. They recognise the value of working with parents to embed learning and maximise progress for children. Leaders ensure that the most vulnerable children are well supported, including those with emerging special educational needs and/or disabilities.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff have a sound understanding of the ways in which they must keep children safe. They know what action to take if they have a cause for concern about a child's welfare.
Regular in-house briefings are used to ensure that staff develop a breadth of safeguarding knowledge. Staff and leaders know what to do if an allegation is made about a colleague. Staff are vigilant and carefully assess any potential risks in the environment.
They monitor these to ensure that children are able to access the environment safely. Safeguarding messages including those about safe sleeping and weaning are also shared with parents.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: review the organisation of group activities, so that staff can consistently support children to build upon what they already know and can do.