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Hockley Close, Newtown, Birmingham, West Midlands, B19 2NS
Number of Pupils
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this school?
Newtown Nursery School is an exciting place to learn. Children arrive happily at school each day with smiles on their faces. They and their parents are greeted with warmth and kindness by staff.
Children cannot wait to get involved in activities when they walk through the door. They relish the wealth of captivating things for them to do, both inside and outside.
The school places great emphasis on knowing each child and understanding their individual needs.
This results in a highly inclusive provision where everyone is valued. Staff take time to form strong relationships with each child and their families. As a result, all children flourish here.
The... school's vision statement, 'Newtown Nursery School is a place to nurture, inspire and shine', is very evident. Leaders are highly ambitious for what all children can learn and do. All activities have a clear learning purpose.
For example, children learn songs and rhymes that become progressively more complex. This aids their communication and language. Children take turns talking and sharing thoughts in group activities.
Children play and learn very well together. They learn the importance of rules and respect. Their behaviour is exemplary.
They are exceptionally well prepared for primary school.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have created an exciting curriculum. It is well designed, sequenced and structured.
Children are taught knowledge, skills and vocabulary in accordance with the early years foundation stage. Staff review each day together to ensure that the play opportunities are continually adapted and enhanced to extend children's learning. All children achieve well.
Staff are very skilled at delivering the curriculum because of the excellent training they receive. They know exactly where children need to get to according to their age. They foster a sense of curiosity in children and encourage them to question what they see.
For example, children were talking about the chicks that had just arrived in school. They were working out how the chicks get out of the egg, and learning new words, such as incubator and life cycle.
Many children are from families who speak a range of different languages.
Leaders have thought carefully about the specific needs of these children. They have developed several programmes to support the children, including using sign language. This helps children express their feelings and emotions.
These programmes, and the excellent relationships formed with parents, help families become part of the school and local community.The development of children's communication and language is an absolute priority. Staff have a high level of expertise when talking to and with children.
They build language incrementally. They do this by introducing the children to key vocabulary.
Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are very well supported.
Their needs are quickly identified. They are fully included in all that the nursery has to offer. Staff expertly adapt activities and provide individual and group sessions to meet children's needs.
Individual learning support plans provide staff and parents with clearly identified next steps and the actions to be taken to achieve them.
Reading is a key priority in school. Children explore identified stories in depth.
They can talk about them well, such as the story of 'Jack and the Beanstalk'. They can access books and stories throughout the day. Adults use a rich range of literature to support children's learning across the curriculum.
The school runs reading workshops for parents, which are very well attended. They give parents tips for promoting a love of reading with their child. Staff skilfully deliver the school's pre-phonics programme.
The school is a calm environment. Children play together happily. Leaders ensure that the curriculum supports children to become confident and self-aware individuals.
Through clear routines, children become adept at setting things up, tidying up and helping others. Staff support children to develop their attention levels and persist at activities.
Children enjoy the wide range of activities to enrich their learning in school.
These include a local artist working in school and outings to the local park and the seaside. Children enjoy the responsibility that staff give them, such as setting things up at dinnertime. These simple routines and expectations are supporting them to develop independence, responsibility and maturity.
Staff morale is high. There is an unmistakable sense of collaboration and teamwork. Staff know that leaders take their well-being seriously.
Leaders and governors never stop thinking about what they can do to make the school even better. They keep up to date with developments in early years education and combine this with their expertise to keep the school improving.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.