Nic Nac Pre-School Ltd

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About Nic Nac Pre-School Ltd

Name Nic Nac Pre-School Ltd
Ofsted Inspections
Address St. Nicolas C of E Primary School, Windermere Avenue, NUNEATON, Warwickshire, CV11 6HJ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Warwickshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Children flourish in this exceptional pre-school. They receive the highest levels of support from staff, who are passionate about their role and want all children to achieve the very best they can.

Children at the setting receive excellent support to settle. They separate well from their parents and carers and feel secure. Children's emotional well-being and care are high priorities.

They receive exceptionally high levels of praise and reassurance. From an early age, children learn about right and wrong. Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities receive excellent support.

They excel in... this highly supportive environment. Children are resilient and learn to cooperate. They use their imagination as they work together to build a shop and consider what they need to sell.

Children's pre-writing skills develop as they make lists. They draw maps and think about what country they are in. Children talk about money and what it is used for.

During a game about Santa, the children understand they will need five pounds to buy presents. The interests of children are key to the pre-school's success. Children make decisions about their own play and staff are highly skilled at following children's leads.

Staff know how and when to intervene to extend children's learning. Language is uppermost in helping children to move forward. A wealth of resources and the exceptional interactions with staff support children to learn new words.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children make excellent progress. Their enthusiasm to learn is infectious. Staff expertly introduce new words to support children's emerging vocabulary.

Children learn how to form words using phonics. They clap out each other's names and recall how many claps each name has. They consider who has more and less, and who has the same.

Children develop a love of books. They learn about the 'blurb' on the back, and the contents page. Children begin to understand how books can be used in their future learning.

They confidently recall familiar narratives in the story. Young children have a lovely focus on sensory play. They smile as they feel the different textures of a pumpkin, and begin to count as they explore the seeds.

Children enthuse as they play musical instruments during action rhymes. They build the muscles they will need in their early speech as they practise blowing bubbles and laugh out loud as the bubbles burst.Teaching is highly effective.

Accurate assessments focus precisely on each child's next stage of learning. An exciting, well-thought-out curriculum delivers learning that builds on what children know. They learn new skills daily.

Leaders have very high expectations for all children. They are committed to continual improvement and have a clear plan for future developments. Staff are well informed about what children need to learn.

They work cohesively to implement this shared vision of excellence for all children. There is a well-planned programme of professional training and support. This keeps staff up to date in childcare practice.

Partnerships with parents are excellent. They are extremely happy with what their children learn. They report that staff are kind and caring.

Children keep links to the pre-school at home. They take home the pre-school bears, which they look after with their families. Relationships with other professionals are highly effective.

Staff liaise with local schools where children may attend. This supports children's eventual transition very well.The exciting outdoor environment has a superb range of natural and other materials that inspire children's imagination.

They look at how tall they can build with bricks. Children can hang their wishes on a tree as they climb onto the tree platform. Staff are an integral part of children's play.

They value children's opinions and what they say. Children are reminded about simple rules to keep themselves safe. They develop excellent skills in their own personal care needs and keep themselves hydrated as they take regular drinks during the sessions.

Children learn about our diverse communities through a wide range of experiences and play.Behaviour is exceptional. Children acquire the skills they will need to move them forward in their future learning at an early age.

Staff use pictures that help children quickly to understand about taking turns, good listening and kind hands. Staff are very kind and warm. They model excellent behaviour.

As a result, children quickly begin to regulate their own behaviour. They display high levels of tolerance. Children think about how their behaviour may affect others.

They learn that they cannot always be directly involved in activities but that they can always be good listeners and take part in different ways.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff attend training to support them in their already very good understanding of safeguarding.

They are aware of the signs and symptoms that may suggest a child is at risk of harm or more vulnerable to abuse. Staff are familiar with local procedures to follow should they have a concern about a child in their care. They have an excellent understanding of their roles and responsibilities to keep children safe.

A keen focus on safety minimises risks to children in the environment. The premises are secure and staff closely monitor the main door at arrival and departure times. They are vigilant in ensuring that children are met by their parents and carers safely.

Also at this postcode
Koala Kids Club St Nicolas CofE Academy

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