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Lancing Manor Park, Manor Road, Lancing, West Sussex, BN15 0PH
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children form strong relationships with the kind and welcoming staff. They quickly settle to play with their favourite activities in the safe and stimulating environment. While children and staff sit together to enjoy a healthy breakfast, they laugh and talk about themselves and their lives.
Children are extremely motivated and thoroughly engaged learners. Their concentration and listening and attention skills are superb. They delight in finding out more.
For example, when children and staff look at a book about farming, they excitedly want to research further online to see how a hay baler actually works. Children ask ...probing questions to increase their knowledge. They recall what they have learned later when they see the grains of wheat in their food at snack time.
Children's behaviour is exemplary. They demonstrate high levels of respect and understanding. For instance, older children are consistently kind and considerate of the needs of their younger friends.
Staff's expectations are high, and they act as good role models for children's exceptionally positive attitudes. This supports children to build excellent self-esteem and confidence.Children persevere at activities.
For example, during a game, children work out how much play dough they need to make 'cakes' all the same size. They check by weighing and measuring. As they experiment, they learn that they need to 'add more' to make the cake heavier or larger.
Children practise and learn new skills and attributes to be successful lifelong learners.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders are knowledgeable and dedicated practitioners. They are resolute in finding the best ways to support children and families.
The manager regularly evaluates practice to identify where improvements can be made to enrich children's experiences and learning. Staff receive regular professional development opportunities to update their skills and knowledge.Staff plan a well-balanced curriculum which meets the needs and interests of children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities.
This helps children to become fully engaged in their learning. For instance, staff use children's fascination in pirates to learn about maps and different environments. Staff sequence learning appropriately to help children build on their skills and knowledge over time.
Staff recognise how the COVID-19 pandemic has negatively impacted on children's early social experiences and contact with other health professionals. Staff take swift and precise action to identify where children need additional support. They are persistent in getting the right help for children at the right time.
Consequently, children are fully supported to meet their developmental milestones and to make the best progress they can.Children develop their communication and language skills well. For instance, while they work together to plan a party to celebrate the Queen's Jubilee, they talk to one another about what the Queen might wear and what food they will eat.
Children compare this to other parties they have experienced. Staff skilfully extend children's conversations by asking questions and showing interest. Children learn to be confident when they speak because they know what they say is important and heard.
Children develop a love of books. Staff encourage them to express their thoughts and ideas. For example, during a story, children say that pirates might eat 'jelly and octopus' for dinner.
Books are successfully used to help children explore language to describe feelings and emotions.Children begin to learn about the world around them. They plant flowers and vegetables and learn to care for them.
Children are fascinated by a centipede they find while they learn about its habitat with staff. However, staff plan fewer opportunities to help children to develop a broader understanding of communities and diversity beyond their own experience.Children enjoy plenty of fresh air and exercise to develop their physical skills.
They manoeuvre tricycles around obstacles, jump along musical stepping stones and play hopscotch. Children practise their fine motor skills. For example, they use rulers to draw triangles, scissors to cut out the shape and paintbrushes to decorate.
Children learn about how to keep themselves healthy and the importance of a good diet. For instance, children talk about their muscles growing when they enjoy a healthy, nutritious meal together.Parents and grandparents describe the nursery as 'amazing'.
For instance, they love that they are welcomed into the nursery to help settle their children. Staff view parents and grandparents as an important part of the nursery 'family'. They share information between home and the nursery to help children to continue to make progress.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff know and understand their safeguarding responsibilities. There are robust recruitment procedures in place to ensure the suitability of staff working with children.
All staff regularly access training to update their knowledge of safeguarding and child protection. They know the signs and symptoms that could indicate a child is at risk of abuse and neglect. Staff are vigilant and know how to record and refer their concerns.
Information is shared with other professionals in a timely way to ensure that children are supported and protected effectively. Staff know about wider aspects of safeguarding, such as protecting children from radicalised and extreme views and grooming.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: support staff to provide opportunities for children to develop their knowledge of diversity in modern Britain, and to enhance children's understanding of communities beyond their own.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.