Noah’s Ark Preschool

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About Noah’s Ark Preschool

Name Noah’s Ark Preschool
Ofsted Inspections
Address Gracious Street Methodist Church, Chapel Street, KNARESBOROUGH, North Yorkshire, HG5 8AN
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority NorthYorkshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Children make exceptional progress in this outstanding pre-school. The committed manager has developed a broad and stimulating programme of learning which ignites the imaginations of the children who attend. Well qualified and experienced staff deliver these programs of learning with integrity.

Children consistently demonstrate a motivation to find out more as they explore the well-designed learning environment. Interactions between staff and children are of the highest quality. Staff demonstrate their ambitions for the children by consistently providing children with appropriate challenge.

They encourage childr...en to try things by themselves and develop their own ideas. This can-do attitude helps children move to school and/or other settings with confidence. Staff act as exceptional role models and respect the children's voices and ideas.

Children reflect this attitude in their play. For example, they listen to one another, share, show kindness and are considerate to their friends. Management and the committee are passionate about inclusion.

Additional funding is used to ensure all children including children who have experienced disadvantage and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities make excellent progress. This means that no child is left behind. All staff know the children extremely well and the children have built equally strong relationships with the adults who care for them.

They confidently welcome visitors to their pre-school where their well-being is of the highest priority.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff skilfully encourage children to solve their own problems. For example, children set up a ball run.

Staff ask inquisitive questions that support children to think and consider their options. Children make adjustments to their construction to make their balls land in their basket effectively. Children are learning to adapt their designs, try things in different ways and they are not afraid of making mistakes.

These attitudes help children to become effective, resilient learners.Mathematical learning is weaved throughout all routines and activities the pre-school provides. Staff consistently role model using mathematical language and vocabulary.

They ask children many questions throughout their day to encourage and support their mathematical thinking and understanding. Children confidently use this language in their own interactions with one another. They consistently try to work things out for themselves and use the mathematical vocabulary they have learned to describe what they are doing.

Children are making excellent progress in their mathematical understanding.Pre-school staff implement an excellent literacy program of learning. Carefully selected books are available to the children across the learning environment.

Children use information books to find out more. They listen intently to stories and demonstrate their understanding of these stories through their own role-play games. For example, children listen to a story about a princess.

They create a castle and use materials to create outfits of the character. Other children eagerly turn the pages of books linked to their personal interests. Children are developing a real love of reading and literacy.

Staff expertly support children's language development. They commentate, explain and breakdown sentences for children to ensure all children understand what is being said or asked of them. Staff introduce new vocabulary and repeat it in a variety of contexts.

Children repeat these new words independently as they describe things in their play. Staff listen intently to the children. They allow children enough time to process their thoughts and develop their responses to questions.

Children are developing excellent communication skills.Staff absolutely love working at the pre-school. They report how well supported they are by leaders.

The team benefit from weekly staff meetings. Staff have regular supervision sessions and leaders support staff to further their professional development through training.Parents speak very highly of the pre-school.

They report that the 'experienced' and 'committed' staff work extremely hard and consistently 'go over and above' to meet the needs of the children and their families. They appreciate the wealth of information they receive about their children's learning and development and enjoy being involved in their learning. They comment on how well the staff know the children and that the pre-school feels like an extension of their family.

These strong relationships and robust information sharing processes help parents support children's learning and development at home.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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