Northern Pre-School

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About Northern Pre-School

Name Northern Pre-School
Ofsted Inspections
Address Richmond Rise, Fareham, Hampshire, PO16 8DG
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision requires improvement Committee members do not fully understand their roles and responsibilities. They have not ensured they have completed the required processes to inform Ofsted about changes.

As the committee members do not have any direct involvement with children, however, this breach of requirements has a reduced impact.Children confidently enter the pre-school and are keen to explore the stimulating learning environment that staff provide for them. They know where to find the resources they like.

Children independently make choices about what to do and where to play. They show a 'can-do' attitude as they keep on trying, such as to put t...heir coats on before going outdoors. Children play cooperatively and show they know the high expectations staff have for them.

For instance, children help tidy away before lunch.Children show they feel safe and secure with the attentive staff. They sit on their familiar adult's knee to share stories, for instance, and readily seek comfort when needed.

Children benefit from staff who know them well. Staff are positive role models for children, demonstrating good manners and social skills. Children behave well.

For example, they listen attentively to what staff say to support their learning about mathematical concepts. Staff help children look carefully at different shapes as they explore the creative resources. Children are curious and self-motivated to play and learn.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The committee has not informed Ofsted about changes to committee members. This means that Ofsted has been unable to complete the appropriate checks on individuals associated with the pre-school to ensure their suitability. Recruitment of committee members has not been conducted in accordance with policies.

However, committee members are not involved in the day to day running of or education of children in the pre-school. This breach does not currently have a significant impact on children's welfare.The new manager has been working to address weaknesses identified.

She has clear aims for the pre-school curriculum, using knowledge of the skills children need to move on in their education. There is a strong focus on supporting children's emotional development, for instance. Children benefit from staff who help them to identify and manage their emotions effectively.

Staff ensure children have support to develop into confident communicators. They readily identify when children may need more help to practise their communication skills. Staff plan and lead targeted small groups, for example, where they focus on modelling words to children.

Children enjoy playing engaging fishing games with staff who help them to develop their confidence to speak.Children benefit from many opportunities to play in all areas of learning. They have long uninterrupted periods to get deeply involved as they play.

Teaching is generally good. At times, however, staff do not recognise when they can build on what children already know. This does not fully support children to extend their learning further.

The manager has changed the daily routine to promote children's engagement in their play and learning. Adult led group times, for instance, are now shorter and timed so they do not to interrupt children's play. However, occasionally, younger children lose focus and do not gain from the intended learning.

Staff do not notice when younger children need more support to engage in purposeful play.Staff promote children's good health. For example, they teach children about the importance of washing their hands before eating.

Staff encourage children to be physically active. They plan activities, such as challenging obstacle courses, to help children learn to move their bodies confidently. Staff help children to understand how to keep safe, such as by explaining why they should not sit on a wobbly chair.

Children have good support for their physical development.The manager has made positive changes to the communication system between staff and parents. This ensures parents are fully informed about their children's time at the pre-school.

Staff build effective partnerships with parents and external professionals involved in children's care. This supports good continuity for their care and learning.The manager ensures staff have their voices heard.

She holds regular staff meetings to enable them to discuss practice, share ideas and promote children's learning. Staff speak very positively about the support they have for their well-being.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To meet the requirements of the early years foundation stage and Childcare Register the provider must: Due date improve knowledge of the committee and registered person's role and responsibilities, including the processes required to complete suitability checks for new committee members 21/04/2024 ensure that all committee members complete the required documentation so that the necessary suitability checks can be completed by Ofsted.21/04/2024 To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: strengthen teaching to ensure staff recognise when they can build on children's learning support staff to recognise when younger children need more help to engage in purposeful activity that motivates and inspires them to learn.

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