Northway Preschool Playgroup

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About Northway Preschool Playgroup

Name Northway Preschool Playgroup
Ofsted Inspections
Address Virginia Road, Northway, Tewkesbury, GL20 8PT
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Gloucestershire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Northway playgroup provides a broad and varied curriculum. The focus is on developing independent, motivated learners who are gaining the key knowledge and skills they need for their future learning.

There are well-planned transitions to support children's move on to school. Staff promote children's health, happiness and emotional well-being. Children benefit from an extremely passionate staff team that identify early development concerns.

They actively support children's individual needs and work well with a range of professionals to ensure that early intervention is timely. All children, including those with special ...educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and children with English as an additional language (EAL), make good progress from their starting points. Staff expect children to always try their best and take part in all the activities available.

Children respond extremely well to these high expectations with enthusiasm, determination and perseverance. Children respond with delight when they are told that they are 'Superstars'.Routines are well known by the children.

They are predictable and familiar and help children to feel safe and secure and gain a sense of belonging and self-confidence. Children's behaviour is exemplary. Children share and show consideration and respect for others.

They help their friends and are kind and caring. Staff are excellent role models and use positive praise and reinforcement to help children learn best behaviour. Pre-school children tidy up the play dough as a team.

Children listen attentively to instructions and line up sensibly, and nursery children learn to cooperate and to take turns to kick the football to each other.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Practice is inclusive. Children from different backgrounds and cultures learn and develop in the playgroup's positive and friendly atmosphere.

Staff respect every child for being a unique individual, regardless of their ability, background or needs. The playgroup is a well-known community resource and provides wraparound care for children from local schools and activities for the local community.Staff promote a healthy lifestyle for children of all ages.

Nursery children participate in music and movement sessions. They move enthusiastically to action songs and march around the room. Children recognise the impact of a balanced diet and understand how to make healthy choices.

They talk about washing away germs when washing their hands. Children choose what they want to eat from a selection of fruit at snack time.There is a good mix of adult-led activities and those chosen by the children.

Children have many opportunities to create, be imaginative and learn on their own. Children organise their game of splashing in their boots by the water tray. Children become absorbed in their play.

Children actively explore the diggers in the soil, and they discuss bulldozers and driving lorries. Staff are on hand to support, guide and extend activities.Staff have very strong partnerships with parents.

Parents praise staff for the support they offer their children and families. Parents feel well informed through daily discussions about the well-being of children. Parents are extremely happy with the progress their children are making.

Regular formal and informal meetings support parental involvement in their children's learning and progress.Staff know each other very well. They feel supported and that their welfare needs are met.

Staff complete mandatory training, as well as training of their individual choosing. However, it is not targeted at the specific individual continual professional development that staff may need, to raise the quality of their teaching to an even higher level.Skilful interaction by staff enhance activities by challenging and extending children's language and learning.

Staff involve children in discussions and encourage them to think about what they are doing and what else they can do. Staff are fully engaged as they move around outdoors and offer children some individual attention. They help them find a scoop for the water play, spontaneously sing nursery rhymes, plant seeds and talk about 'dirt' and 'soil'.

Staff use regular opportunities to make time with children, learning time.Circle time is a part of the children's daily routine. It enables children to share their thoughts and ideas, which staff build on.

Children also get to practice turn-taking and learn respect for the opinions of others. They listen to stories and sing enjoyable songs and rhymes. This helps children to prepare for school.

However, some children are not always actively involved in circle time. They do not fully benefit from this learning experience.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff are aware of their safeguarding roles and responsibilities to protect children and keep them safe from harm. They know exactly what they need to do if they have a concern about a child in their care and would take immediate action to record and pass their concerns on to the experienced designated safeguarding lead. Staff know about the importance of young children staying safe online and using technology in a safe way.

All staff hold current paediatric first-aid certificates. There are clear procedures in place if there are concerns about staff practice. Staff track children's attendance effectively and keep in touch with the parents of children who have unplanned absences.

Children show how they can keep themselves safe. They are careful, negotiating the busy garden.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: develop further the organisation of circle time to enable children to get the most out of the teaching and learning experience target staff training and professional development opportunities, to focus more precisely on helping all staff to build on their knowledge, understanding and skills.

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