Nuffy Bear Day Nursery - Medway

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About Nuffy Bear Day Nursery - Medway

Name Nuffy Bear Day Nursery - Medway
Ofsted Inspections
Address Nuffield Health Club, Medway Valley Leisure Park, Chariot Way, Rochester, ME2 2SS
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Medway
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Children thrive at this superb nursery. The skilled and passionate leader, together with her dedicated team, offers the very best for children and their families. Children have a wealth of opportunities to continuously explore, experiment and embed their learning.

For instance, the older children excitedly engage with a colour-mixing activity. They show sustained levels of concentration as they explore the volume of water and what happens when various coloured inks are mixed together. Children show great independence during activities, with staff alongside to facilitate and direct their learning.

Staff are skill...ed at asking relevant questions to encourage children to think and speak about what is happening and why, further embedding their knowledge and understanding. Younger children enthusiastically explore. They show they are confident and comfortable in their environment.

Babies' early development is supported superbly. They flourish in the care of their calm, knowledgeable and nurturing key staff. The manager, along with the staff team, has developed an ambitious curriculum.

It is planned precisely to align with children's skills and interests. It is fully understood and implemented consistently across the nursery. The staff are skilled educators who understand what they are teaching and why.

The curriculum currently has a focus on children learning about healthy lifestyles, building independence skills and secure friendships and being effective communicators. Staff know the children and their individual needs extremely well. They adapt the environment continuously to ensure that children are engaged and provided with a range of experiences to inspire their inquisitiveness.

Children's behaviour is exemplary. Staff act as incredibly positive role models. Children have developed the skills that are needed to play and explore harmoniously together.

They solve problems between themselves by using resources, such as sand timers, to support sharing. Children follow the routines of the day with complete ease and confidence.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The manager's passion for the care and education that are offered throughout the nursery is clearly visible.

This not only applies to the children but also to the staff team. The manager encourages and supports staff to progress in their careers. Regular, meaningful one-on-one time is spent with each staff member to speak about their skills and attributes.

Together, they devise clear plans on how to develop their teaching skills further. This is evidenced by the manager's thorough knowledge of the nursery and her observations of the teaching quality. All children are making excellent progress from their starting points.

Children's emotional well-being is supported incredibly well. Children have formed strong attachments to a consistent key person. For example, the youngest children embrace their key person in cuddles, and their key person reads stories with them when they first arrive.

The nursery has an effective 'buddy' system in place. This ensures that parents are aware of the specific person to speak to about their children when their primary key person is not available. The transitions between rooms in the nursery are thoughtfully planned alongside parents.

The bonds between staff, children and parents are a strength of the nursery.The provision for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) is incredibly well organised and effective. The passionate special educational needs coordinator (SENCo) has a wealth of knowledge.

She works together with staff in the setting exceptionally well to ensure that any concerns are identified at the earliest opportunity. The SENCo works effectively with parents and other professionals to devise targeted strategies and support for children. The environment is inclusive, ensuring that all children have access to activities and learning opportunities that are tailored to their individual needs.

Staff make excellent use of the garden to develop children's physical skills and ignite their awe and wonder of the world. Babies are often fascinated by the sight of trains passing by, and they share their excitement with the staff. Toddlers explore the garden freely, testing their physical capabilities.

For example, they show perseverance when learning to climb the small steps to the slide. Staff provide support while allowing children to engage in safe, developmentally suitable risks.Children are incredibly independent.

They have learned and fully embedded the daily routines. For example, at mealtimes, children seamlessly wash their hands, collect their plates and cutlery and serve their own meals. Even the youngest children learn to use the hand wash station with assistance, demonstrating that these routines are established from the earliest opportunity.

Children relish these moments, engaging in chatter with their peers around the table.The knowledgeable staff accurately track the progress of the children and communicate this information to parents. Parents have time to speak to managers and key staff daily and during dedicated parents' evenings.

Staff provide support and advice for parents to enhance and continue their children's learning at home. Parents enjoy sharing their children's progress with staff.Staff recognise the importance of children's communication skills.

Staff provide a wealth of interactions for all children. Babies bounce and make sounds in enjoyment as they join in with familiar songs. Older children take pleasure in engaging in their own back-and-forth conversations, sharing their ideas and thoughts.

The staff team recognises the importance of these moments.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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