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Nuffield Health Fitness & Wellbeing Centre, Peaches Close, SUTTON, Surrey, SM2 7BJ
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
This nursery has a child-centred approach and offers a warm welcome from kind and caring staff. Children enjoy close bonds with key workers and good relationships with staff. Staff are responsive to the needs of all children and are playful companions.
Children play happily and feel safe to explore, which benefits all areas of learning and development. Staff support children to have a go and persevere by encouraging them to think of solutions and praising them for their achievements.The nursery is calm, and children's behaviour is good.
Children are motivated to learn and maintain concentration through activities plann...ed from their interests. Staff support older children to pursue their fascination with bugs by providing pictures of insects for the children to draw. Children follow a check list as they go on a 'bug hunt' in the outdoor space.
Staff join the excitement and show interest when children work together to find spiders' webs. Children explain that worms only come out in the rain and staff congratulate them for their knowledge. Babies and toddlers investigate the environment and frequently 'check in' with staff, who provide reassurance when needed.
The nursery offers a broad curriculum suited to the needs of the children. This enables them to progress.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Children are respectful of one another and the resources.
Staff play alongside children, demonstrating positive behaviour and showing clear expectations. Staff use eye contact, address children warmly and value each child as an individual. Staff communicate well and there is a feeling of harmonious working, making the children feel safe and secure.
Staff chatter to babies at lunchtime and remind them to use their spoons. They help children to learn the routine by telling them what is happening next, for example, nap time follows after lunch. Babies are encouraged to put on their own bibs and show delight in their success.
Older children are given tasks to help staff, and this gives them a feeling of responsibility and boosts their confidence. Helpers sit with younger children and assist with the lunchtime routine of serving and clearing away. Staff work alongside children and encourage them to problem-solve.
They respectfully guide children and seek their opinion. Children respond well and relish the privilege of helping and being helped.The nursery encourages children to establish healthy lifestyles through opportunities to be active and enjoy healthy food.
Children select bananas and independently peel and chop them. Children and staff run around outside, playing games, and making the most of the space. Children 'whoosh' underneath the parachute and sing familiar songs as staff laugh along and encourage more children to join in the fun.
Staff help children with bats and balls to help their developing coordination, and younger children learn to pedal tricycles. In the main, staff deployment works well, but there are occasions when not all children are fully supervised outside.The nursery manager succeeds in achieving strong partnership working throughout the nursery.
There is a feeling of cohesion and togetherness among the team, making it a settled and calm environment. Parents report good communication and feel supported and welcome. The nursery organises events to involve families and build relationships, for example, Mother's and Father's' Day events.
Professionals from outside agencies work alongside staff to support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities. Children benefit from the cooperation and trust that surrounds them.Staff know children well.
They make good use of observations to track children's progress and fill any gaps in learning. Activities and opportunities for learning are responsive and tailored to the needs of the child. Staff share ideas and use 'wow activities' to introduce new ideas and concepts to enhance opportunities for learning.
Staff are encouraged to continue their own learning journey through upskilling and embarking on formal qualifications in childcare. Staff feel supported and recognise the benefit that their education has on the children.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Staff confidently answer questions regarding safeguarding and child protection. This includes how to raise and record concerns regarding children's welfare. All staff complete mandatory training, and their knowledge is consistently checked by leaders.
Leaders employ a robust safer-recruitment process and check the continued suitability of staff. The nursery is clean, and staff adopt a thorough cleaning schedule. Allergies, dietary and medical needs are managed well.
Information is communicated well to keep children safe. All staff are paediatric first-aid trained.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nensure successful deployment of staff in the outdoor space so that all children are within sight and hearing.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.