OLSK Acorns

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About OLSK Acorns

Name OLSK Acorns
Address OUR LADY OF ST KENELM RC PRIMARY SCHOOL, Bundle Hill, Halesowen, B63 4AR
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Dudley
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children arrive at the club with enthusiasm and are greeted by the nurturing team. They explore the abundance of exciting activities that have been prepared for them and choose what they would like to take part in first.

Children are invited to join the snack area as they arrive at the club. Staff recognise the importance of supporting the health and well-being of children. They are well informed about children's individual health and dietary needs and take appropriate steps to cater for these.

Children choose what they would like to eat from a menu that is designed by them. They confidently tell staff what they would like... to eat and drink. Children independently access fruit and yogurts and understand the importance of eating healthily.

Staff know the children very well and prioritise their happiness during their time at the club. They take their time to chat to children and to get to know their individual interests, which helps them to plan creative activities. This helps children to feel safe and happy.

Staff recognise when children begin to feel strong emotions and sensitively talk to them to check if they are ok. Staff are positive role models. They speak to children and other team members with respect and talk to children about kindness and how to share with others.

As a result, children are caring towards each other and behave very well.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children enjoy taking part in creative activities that are carefully planned by the passionate team. The team recognise children's love for imaginative play.

They provide exciting craft resources for children to combine and create elaborate costumes. Children work harmoniously to plan and make their designs. They demonstrate pride in their achievements as they hold a fashion show.

Children practice the British value of democracy as they vote for their favourite costume.Children benefit from a wide range of activities to choose from. Young children immerse themselves in building a train track.

They work together collaboratively to join pieces together and negotiate where to turn the pieces of track. Children build houses using magnetic shapes. They explore creatures, picking them up with tweezers and transporting them.

Quieter spaces are available in the library, where children can take some time out to share stories.Staff take appropriate steps to keep children safe. They collect children from their classrooms and bring them safely to the club for their afternoon session.

Children tell staff when they need to use the bathroom. Staff share with others that they are leaving the room and escort children to and from the bathroom. The environment is clean and tidy.

When there are materials on the floor that could become a slip hazard, children help staff to tidy up.There are strong links between the club and the school. Important information is shared between club staff, school staff and parents.

This means that information is shared appropriately to create seamless transitions for children. Leaders and managers attend parents' meetings in the school to provide support and develop positive links.Parents speak with fondness about the team and the care that they provide for their children.

They receive regular updates about the activities that their children have taken part in. The team share questionnaires with parents to find out their opinions of the club and to receive feedback on how they can improve their service. Leaders and managers respond swiftly to parental suggestions and take action, where appropriate.

A positive safeguarding culture is embedded throughout the club. Leaders and managers follow robust vetting procedures for staff and ensure that all staff receive ongoing safeguarding training. Staff and managers have a deep understanding of their roles in safeguarding children and know how to report any concerns that they may have about the welfare of children.

Staff and managers are passionate about delivering the best care for children. They talk positively about their roles in the setting and strengthen their skills through regular training. Leaders and managers provide regular supervision to staff and conduct routine staff meetings to share news and information to inform practice.

This means that staff feel well informed and report that their well-being is supported.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
Our Lady and St Kenelm RC School

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