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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision requires improvement Children arrive to a warm welcome from staff.
They are eager to start their day and seek out a range of activities and resources. Children who require additional support to settle, receive comfort and reassurance from attentive staff. However, there are inconsistencies in the key-person arrangements.
For example, when staff provide cover for key persons who are absent, they do not have the information they require to meet the individual learning needs of the children. Consequently, some children, including children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), do not consistently have their learning and devel...opment needs met. There are a wide range of activities and experiences set up for children to enjoy.
However, the curriculum that staff offer is variable. This is because staff do not have a clear understanding of how to plan and implement age-appropriate, personalised educational programmes. In addition, the curriculum does not precisely identify the individual learning needs of children based on what they already know, remember and can do.
At times, this has a direct impact on some children's attitudes to learning and they wander between activities and struggle to maintain concentration. Despite this, children have good opportunities to develop their communication and language skills. For instance, toddlers delight in joining in group singing time and become excited as they select props from the song bag.
Children show pride as they sing with gusto to join in with songs they know.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The manager recognises the strengths and weaknesses of the nursery. However, changes in staffing have had a direct impact on the quality of the learning experiences children receive.
Despite this, the manager works tirelessly to ensure that children at potential risk of harm receive the intervention and support they need in a timely manner. The manager remains committed to drive future improvement.The curriculum on offer to children is inconsistent.
Not all staff are clear on how to plan appropriately for children. For instance, babies' planned experiences include mathematical concepts that are not appropriate for their stage of development. This does not align with the priorities for this age group to help the youngest children develop their core knowledge and skills.
However, pre-school children who are very able engage well in a variety of activities. Staff provide these children with opportunities to further extend and support their learning.There are a high number of children with SEND at this nursery.
The manager ensures that provision is in place to support these children. This includes special educational needs coordinators (SENCos), who liaise with families and external professionals to agree strategies and support to help children make progress. Children receive one-to-one support and small-group work to help them catch up.
However, at times, due to weaknesses in the key-person approach, children's learning experiences are impacted and teaching is not purposeful. This does not ensure all children make the progress they are capable of.Staff are attentive and responsive to children's care needs.
For instance, staff respectfully wipe children's noses when needed. However, staff do not consistently consider how to provide a well-organised sleep environment for young children. For example, they use the sleep room to store additional stacked-up resources, which make it cluttered.
Furthermore, equipment is not always in good condition, and bedding, such as cot sheets and sleep mats, is not well maintained. Staff check on sleeping children frequently and are vigilant in making sure they are safe, but children do not benefit from a good-quality sleeping space to fully promote their well-being.Children have lots of opportunities to build on their physical skills.
Babies are well supported to develop their core muscles as they enjoy exploring their outdoor play spaces. For instance, the youngest babies are supported to take their early steps as they 'cruise' the well-thought-out play areas. Older babies squeal in delight as they whizz down the slide.
Older children show good control as they manipulate small tools such as scissors to cut items during self-selected activities. This helps children to develop skills needed so they can learn to move their bodies in a variety of ways.Due to inconsistencies in the curriculum, some children do not have positive attitudes to learning and struggle to concentrate.
This has an impact on some children's motivation to learn new knowledge and skills. Despite this, staff are positive role models. They work towards helping children to learn about behavioural expectations and boundaries.
At times, children who struggle with turn-taking are well supported by staff, who give gentle reminders about the rules.The manager and staff work hard to develop positive parent partnerships. For example, parents value the work staff carry out with outside agencies to ensure children receive good levels of support.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To meet the requirements of the early years foundation stage, the provider must: Due date plan and implement an age-appropriate, ambitious curriculum that is tailored to the individual needs of children 01/08/2024 improve the key-person arrangements to ensure continuity of care and that all staff are aware of children's individual learning and development needs, particularly for the most disadvantaged children 01/08/2024 make sure there are suitable and maintained facilities available for sleeping children.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.