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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children stop as they enter the pre-school to excitedly find their name to place on the board to signify the start of their day.
Parents report that they often say goodbye at the front gate, as once children get inside, they do not look back. Children run up to their key person for a hug and a moment of connection before dashing off to find their friends. Staff have carefully designed the environment to cover all areas of the curriculum.
They notice when children need a little extra support with their physical development. As a result, staff make use of the external area and the local community, such as the play park b...ehind the setting and nature walks, for children to be active. This ensures that children are able to use the space to build their large and small muscles without limitations.
All children progress in their learning, especially children who may need a little more support, such as those who speak English as an additional language. Parents report significant improvement in what children know and can do after just a few months at the pre-school. Children's behaviour is good.
Staff give them opportunities to make decisions and develop the skills needed for friendships through very clear and consistent expectations. When needed, children remind each other of these, such as when participating in small-group experiences with their peers.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff share information with parents about their children's achievements and care routines.
This helps to keep parents informed about their child's day. Staff also support parents to continue their children's learning at home.Staff value indoor or outdoor play experiences to not only promote children's physical skills but their skills in other areas of learning too.
For example, as children jump to catch the bubbles, staff introduce simple counting. They encourage children to learn how to take turns and play cooperatively while decorating the Christmas tree.Leaders support staff with their practice and well-being.
Staff attend supervision meetings to help them to reflect on their interactions with children. Professional development opportunities help staff to build on their knowledge of how to support pre-school children to develop their mathematical skills further. As a result, children confidently count the pom-poms on their artwork and identify numbers displayed around the environment.
Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities are supported well. Staff invite other professionals to observe children in the pre-school. They work with them to identify and implement targets to help children progress.
Staff aid smooth and effective transitions when children move on to school.Overall, all children make good progress in their speech and language development, especially those who speak English as an additional language. Staff carefully consider the use of small-group activities to further extend children's vocabulary and speech and language development.
However, occasionally, staff do not provide enough opportunity for quieter children to take part in group conversations to give children rich opportunities to practise and extend their speech and language skills.Children become increasingly independent in managing their personal care. They learn to put on their coats when transitioning outside and wash their hands after lunch.
Children become resilient as they persevere with any difficulties they encounter, sensitively supported by staff. Children help to cut up the fruit for snack and pour their own water. However, staff do not always encourage children to do as much as they can for themselves at mealtimes to develop their independence further.
Leaders and staff evaluate the pre-school effectively. They identify where to focus any actions to have the most impact on children's development and welfare. For example, in response to a previous inspection, leaders and staff have further developed the role of the key person.
This has supported more effective identification of children's next steps for learning.Partnerships with parents are effective. Parents speak highly of the care and education their children receive.
They compliment staff on the positive ways they support their children. Parents comment on feeling part of a family. They appreciate the fun and joy the team bring with them every day.
The pre-school is embedded in the local community. Staff support many activities in the area, such as a community kitchen and a local tree planting initiative. This helps children and their families to learn more about the wider community and the world around them.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: continue to provide opportunities for children to develop their independence, especially during mealtimes or planned experiences nenhance teaching strategies to further extend children's speech and language skills further.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.