Oldbury Court Out Of School Clubs

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About Oldbury Court Out Of School Clubs

Name Oldbury Court Out Of School Clubs
Address Delabere Avenue, Fishponds, Bristol, BS16 2ND
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Bristol
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Familiar staff drop off and collect children from a range of different schools.

Staff are welcoming and friendly and talk to children about their day. Children are eager to arrive and see their friends. Staff prioritise children's well-being and encourage them to talk about their feelings and emotions.

Children are very happy and clearly feel safe and secure. Children are familiar with the routines and expectations. Older children help to serve snack and tidy up.

Staff know children well. Children's views are valued and staff plan a variety of activities linked to children's interests. The indoor and outdoor areas... are very well planned to cater for the different age groups.

Younger children have a separate indoor and outdoor space that reflects their needs. Staff promote healthy eating and exercise, and children have plenty of opportunities for physical activity in the large outdoor area. For example, children enjoy the climbing walls, gymnastic bars, and play a range of ball games with staff.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The club's leaders are very reflective and evaluate all aspects of the club. They have a clear idea of what areas they are continuing to improve. The trustees and directors support staff to make positive changes to ensure they provide the best care to children and their families.

The member of staff responsible for the early years children has a good knowledge of the requirements of the early years foundation stage. Younger children have access to a quieter room, where they enjoy craft activities and role play.Staff work well as a team and deploy themselves effectively to ensure there is adequate supervision of all areas.

Procedures for parent drop off and collections are robust. When children are walking to and from school or on trips, they wear hi-vis jackets or wristbands to help keep themselves safe.Most children display positive behaviour and respond appropriately to staff instructions.

Some children need reminding of the expectations of the club. However, not all staff reinforce these as well as they could.Staff promote children's good health.

They discuss the importance of healthy eating and the impact of physical activity on children's bodies. Children have daily opportunities for fresh air and exercise and enjoy a range of healthy snacks at the club.Parents share positive feedback about the club.

They say that their children enjoy attending the additional workshops and trips offered during the holiday periods. Parents of children with special educational needs and/or disabilities state that staff are fully inclusive and go above and beyond to meet their child's individual needs to ensure that they can access the club.Leaders follow safer recruitment procedures.

All staff receive thorough induction support and complete regular training to enable them to carry out their roles effectively.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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