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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Staff have good relationships with children.
Older children seek staff out to read books with them. Younger children sit with staff for comfort when waking up from their sleep. Staff encourage children to be independent.
For example, babies self-register in the morning with a photo of themselves, toddlers find their own coats and shoes, while older children confidently serve themselves lunch at the table. Children have an awareness of routines and boundaries. This helps them to feel safe and secure in their environment.
Staff take children on walks in the community. They visit the local park to explore the ope...n space and equipment. Staff encourage children to listen and explore noises they hear in the environment, as well as understanding safety and how to keep themselves safe.
Younger children are making links to what they see and hear. Staff prompt discussions about the walk and children can recall what they observed, which staff praise them for. Staff are helping children begin to understand about their local environment and their own safety during these trips.
Children behave well. They understand the expectations of behaviour, which are clearly explained and modelled to them by staff. Children learn to work together, share and take turns.
Staff support children effectively to resolve conflicts when they arise and help them to understand the reasons why some behaviour is not appropriate towards others. Children are developing the essential skills needed for future learning.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff have taken the time to get to know the children well to ensure that the curriculum meets their needs and interests.
They prioritise children's well-being and a developing a sense of security. They view these as needs to be met to enable children to be ready to learn. Staff are clear on the learning intent for each activity they provide and how this links to the overall curriculum.
Weekly planning takes account of each child's next steps, and staff are all aware of these.Children know the routines well. For instance, older children wash their hands when they come in from outside.
However, good hygiene practice is not consistent. For example, staff do not consider their hygiene routines when preparing snack for babies. They allow babies to eat on the floor and do not wash their hands.
Staff use a range of techniques to develop children's communication and language. They engage in thoughtful discussions and help children with their pronunciation of words. They narrate younger children's play and point to objects to help younger children, or children who speak English as an additional language, to make connections to learn new words.
However, there are times when staff consistently ask children closed questions. This means that children do not get the opportunity to extend their thinking further, as they use single words to answer.During circle time, older children engage in discussions about emotions.
They are encouraged to show these through different expressions. For example, children show their happy and scared faces. Children show a secure understanding of what people look like when they display particular emotions.
Staff support children's understanding of good health. For example, they provide an activity with toothbrushes for children to learn about oral health. Children have fun as they engage in pretend play with their friends, laughing as they practise brushing.
Staff prompt discussions about why this is important and allow children to recall their own experiences of visiting the dentist. This is a positive experience for children to learn about different occupations and how to take care of themselves.Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities receive good support.
Staff communicate with parents and outside agencies to help them understand and cater for children's needs. Staff are attentive and support children's independent play and exploration. This helps children to develop new interests and build relationships with others.
The management team has put in place clear and robust supervision and appraisal methods for staff. This ensures that they monitor professional practice and help staff to develop the work they do. This enhances the outcomes for children and also helps staff to achieve agreed goals.
Partnerships with parents are a particular strength of the setting. Parents are well informed about their children's care and learning via the setting's online app and through their discussions with staff. They speak highly of staff and say that their children thoroughly enjoy attending.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The manager ensures that staff complete training to support their existing knowledge, such as safeguarding processes. Staff know the correct procedures in reporting concerns about a member of staff and understand their responsibility in keeping children safe from harm.
The manager and staff have a secure knowledge of the signs and symptoms that may indicate that children are at risk of harm or abuse. They know what to do in the event that they have any concerns.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nimprove staff's use of open-ended questions so they can further develop children's language and critical thinking provide younger children with clear and consistent hygiene procedures during mealtimes.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.