Onside Wraparound

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About Onside Wraparound

Name Onside Wraparound
Address Bishops Tachbrook C Of E School, Kingsley Road, Bishops Tachbrook, Leamington Spa, CV33 9RY
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Warwickshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Staff are energetic, caring, and enjoy working with the children. They create a nurturing environment that gives children the time and space they need to thrive.

As a result, children are happy and enjoy the time they spend at the club. Staff support children to separate from their parents, and children form strong bonds with staff. They demonstrate their feeling of security as they quickly settle to their chosen activities.

Staff skilfully adapt their approach to meet the needs of those children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Staff clearly structure the sessions they provide. They plan a variet...y of activities that children enjoy and that help them to learn valuable skills.

Staff are knowledgeable about the activities they provide. For example, they use their specialist coaching skills to teach children techniques to improve ball control. Children practise their dribbling skills by negotiating obstacles, and learn how to work as a team as they play hockey games.

The club offers care and physical education for children from various schools. Some children attend occasional sessions, while others come daily. This results in a daily change to the cohort of children.

During these sessions, leaders take on the key-person role. They have effective information-sharing processes to ensure that the needs of the different groups of children are met. Staff prioritise the safety and security of the premises at all times to ensure children play in a safe environment.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff engage in high-quality interactions with children. They listen to children and respond to the things they say. As a result, children relax and talk freely about their lives, interests, and friendships.

Staff demonstrate respect and promote independence. Children communicate their feelings and independently meet their own personal needs. Staff set clear expectations for children's behaviour.

Children behave well and follow the club rules.Staff use a range of behaviour management techniques. For example, children listen for funny key words, such as 'macaroni cheese'.

This allows staff to gain children's attention quickly during free play. Staff use music to identify key routine moments, such as tidying up. This motivates children to tidy up efficiently as they are involved in the routine and know what is happening next.

Staff model new skills, supporting children to develop mathematical concepts. For example, during a pumpkin biscuit baking activity, staff demonstrate to children how to weigh out the ingredients. This supports children to understand how to measure the correct quantities.

Staff give feedback to guide children.They provide positive praise to children throughout.Staff promote healthy eating at the club.

They ensure they gather up-to-date information from parents, so they can be aware of any allergies or sensitivities children may have. Staff make parents aware that they have no nuts at the club as children bring in a packed lunch. If children become ill during their time at the club, staff contact parents and keep children comfortable until parents arrive.

If children require medication, staff administer it following a clear policy.Staff offer children numerous opportunities to be physically active. For instance, children have access to a spacious outdoor area, a school hall, and large play equipment throughout the session.

Staff actively encourage activities, such as running, climbing, and ball games, allowing children to release their energy and engage in exercise.Leaders plan supervisions for staff, which focus on ensuring that staff access continuous professional development to enhance their work with children. Staff training has a strong focus on the safeguarding and welfare of children.

Staff induction supports them into their roles. Processes are in place to ensure safe recruitment of staff takes place.Staff establish effective partnerships with parents and the local schools.

Parents are very positive about the staff, activities, and experiences that children access during their time at the club. They state that they receive regular emails from the leaders with policy updates and newsletters. Parents state that their children get on very well at the club and ask to attend.

Children echo this when they share the types of activities they access, the choices they have, and the friendships they continue to develop.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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