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About Orchard Childcare @ High View
Orchard Childcare @ High View
The Chase, Wallington, Surrey, SM6 8JT
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children arrive excitedly at this warm, organised after-school club. Staff build close relationships with children and have good knowledge of their interests.
They find out what makes each child feel comfortable to ease them into the club routine. Staff value each child and children settle happily. They have high expectations of children and use positive strategies to manage their behaviour.
Staff are calm and fair and explain to children why some behaviour is unacceptable. They share the clubs rules with children. Children behave well.
Staff provide a broad choice of carefully organised activities suitable for di...ffering age groups. They develop a theme, such as caring for others, and children paint and decorate cards for special people in their life. Children enjoy kneading and rolling play dough to create models.
They create imaginative stories as they play with toy dinosaurs in the desert. Staff ensure that children's views are reflected in the club. They ask children for ideas for new toys, which they purchase and children thoroughly enjoy using.
Children have access to a good selection of books, which they enjoy browsing through. They play imaginatively in the pretend home corner and make up stories together. Children have good hygiene routines.
They wash their hands at appropriate times and use tissues to wipe their own noses.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Children choose where they want to play and flow freely between indoor and outdoor areas. Older children enjoy climbing challenges while younger ones enjoy jumping in and out of hoops.
Staff organise group chasing games with children and children enjoy batting balls to each other. This supports children's physical development well.Staff maintain good standards of safety and hygiene.
They collect children from their school classrooms and ensure they are registered on arrival and departure from the club. Staff check all parts of the club, indoors and outdoors, to keep children safe. They teach children how to act in safe ways, such as to remain inside set boundaries in the outdoor area to keep children in sight.
Leaders ensure that staff practice is effective. They spend time observing them as they work and offer advice to build improvement, where necessary. Leaders are eager for staff to develop their skills and knowledge and offer them a variety of training opportunities.
For example, staff attended a course on supporting children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). This leads to greater awareness in this area of their work.Staff liaise well with parents and provide daily updates on children's activities and well-being.
Staff work effectively with teachers and exchange information about children to meet their needs successfully. Written comments from parents show gratitude and appreciation of the work done by staff, Children share and take turns well, for instance they take turns as they play organised group games in the outdoor area. Children show respect and kindness to each other.
They are well mannered and say please and thank you.Staff support children's well-being effectively. They read stories to children and use puppets to teach them about different emotions.
Staff provide a quiet, calm area for children who would like to use it.Staff give children a healthy choice of snacks, which meet special dietary needs. Staff talk to children about the nutritional value of food and how to keep their teeth and gums healthy.
They offer children books related to these areas and children have healthy routines.Older children enjoy the challenge of completing complex puzzles while younger children engage well in simple board games. They concentrate and participate well in activities.
Children interact with each other in positive ways.Children have very good independence skills. They prepare their crackers and add healthy toppings.
Children scrape and put away their plates after eating. They put on their coats and shoes independently.Leaders evaluate all aspects of the club and set relevant goals for improvement.
For instance, leaders aim to continue to enhance the provision for younger children to promote best outcomes for learning.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.