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St. Lukes Vicarage, Queens Park Terrace, Brighton, Sussex, BN2 9YA
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children are warmly welcomed into this nurturing pre-school. They know the routines and easily find their name card to self-register.
Children quickly settle to meaningful play activities with the enthusiastic, attentive staff. They are happy, relaxed and show an eagerness to learn. Children show high levels of curiosity and concentrate for long periods of time on their chosen activity.
For example, they carefully hunt for 'dinosaurs' in the garden. Children use tools to dig in bark. They develop their imagination and storytelling skills as they describe the 'dinosaur teeth' they find, and remember previous learning ab...out 'carnivores'.
The game develops further as they build structures to climb on to avoid the 'lava'. Children thoroughly enjoy their learning, cooperate together and behave extremely well.Children benefit greatly from the wealth of inspiring learning opportunities provided.
They can choose to be indoors or outside. For instance, children learn to care for other living things as they look after the pre-school's guinea pigs. They use their senses to smell the mint the animals enjoy eating.
Children regularly practise yoga or walk to the park for forest school activities. They learn about self-care, the world around them and develop very good physical skills.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The provider is an inspirational and passionate leader.
She confidently shares her vision to give children the best start in a family atmosphere. Managers work alongside staff to role model good practice. They promote opportunities for staff to constantly develop their skills and knowledge further.
For example, staff are currently following training in forest school practice and special needs support. Managers and staff say they are very happy in their roles. This helps to provide a good learning environment for the children.
All children thrive in this inclusive environment. Managers and staff quickly recognise when children may need additional support. They work with parents and other professionals, and use additional funding carefully, to ensure each child's needs are met.
For instance, additional staffing or specialist resources are provided. Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities make very good progress.Managers and staff form strong relationships with children and families.
There is a consistent two-way sharing of information that greatly helps continuity of care for the children. Parents praise the caring staff and the ongoing support for them and their children.Staff create an atmosphere where children are inspired to share their views and contribute their thoughts.
They value children's opinions and use their ideas.Children are keen to discuss their activities and hold confident conversations. Staff continually support children to link their understanding and remember previous learning.
However, at times, they ask too many questions without giving time for children to process their learning.Staff focus strongly on developing children's language and literacy skills. Children begin to understand that books can be used to find information.
For example, staff read about snakes. Children listen intently and constantly discover new vocabulary, such as 'venom'. Children choose stories excitedly and look forward to changing their books at the library visit.
They read for a purpose as they follow a simple recipe to make their own play dough.Staff consistently support children to manage their own self-care needs. Children use the toilet unaided and wash their hands.
They pour their own drinks and manage their healthy lunch well. Children have a strong sense of belonging to the group. Staff role model kindness and respect.
They manage children's behaviour through consistent positive reinforcement. Children are very well prepared for the transition to school.Overall, staff plan well and provide activities to enable children to make good progress in their learning and development.
Children thoroughly enjoy leading their own play and taking part in the exciting activities on offer. However, at times, some staff do not recognise when they need to step in to teach specific skills, such as how to form letter shapes correctly, to extend children's learning further.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Managers and staff have a strong culture of safeguarding. They always have children's safety and well-being in mind. Managers follow safe recruitment practices to ensure staff are suitable to work with children.
Staff have regular training in first aid, food hygiene and safeguarding. They know how to report any concern they may have about a child's welfare. Staff understand whistle-blowing and what to do if a child is at risk of radicalisation.
Managers and staff actively work with families, and other professionals, to ensure any early intervention needed happens promptly. The premises are clean, well maintained and secure.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: help staff to improve their questioning skills, to give children more time to think and respond, to support their learning even further nenhance staff knowledge of when to teach specific skills that underpin children's good learning and development.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.