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This provision is good • Leadership and management are good. The provider and managers work closely with staff and they have embraced support from the local authority. Staff have attended training sessions and built good links with local schools.
Their actions and proactive approach have a positive impact on children's outcomes. For example, pre-school children are well prepared for their primary education. • Staff plan exciting activities that take into account children's individual learning needs and interests.
As a result, children enjoy their learning and they make consistently good progress. • Children have a voice. Staff embrace children's ideas when planning activ...ities and topics.
For example, pre-school children recently showed an interest in trees and this evolved into a topic about the rainforest. Consequently, children are engaged and eager to learn more. • Children are well behaved.
They learn manners and develop good social skills. For example, babies feed themselves competently at lunchtime. They sit happily with their friends and staff and thoroughly enjoy this relaxed, social occasion.
• Children benefit from opportunities to learn about similarities and differences. These activities are adapted to children's level of understanding. For example, toddlers experienced the vibrancy of colours as they learned about the festival of Holi.
They mixed dried paints, which helped them to see how colours change. They also discovered the joy of becoming covered from head to toe in paint. • Staff do not make the best use of opportunities to extend children's vocabulary and, at times, they give the wrong information.
For example, staff incorrectly refer to a frog as an insect. • Occasionally, routines during the snack-time period are not managed well enough. This results in increased noise levels and some disruption in children's learning.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.