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About Our Happy Place Ltd
Our Happy Place Ltd
St Georges C of E School, Jackets Lane, Northam, Devon, EX39 1HT
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children are happy at this friendly club.
Staff collect children from their classes and ensure teachers share any messages for parents with them. Children walk sensibly to the club and are closely supervised by staff. They settle quickly and enjoy spending time making friends with children of different ages.
Staff provide children with a variety of activities linked to their interests. Children become engrossed in their play as they work together to build houses from small plastic bricks. They use their imaginations as they make up stories based around their models.
Staff support children as they carefully choose ...and thread beads onto elastic to make bracelets. They help them to tie knots and put on clasps. Children demonstrate pride in their creations and enjoy taking them home to show their families.
Staff provide access to a good balance of indoor and outdoor play. They regularly encourage children to be active outdoors. Children develop their coordination as they practise balancing on small stilts and climb on large outdoor equipment.
They play cooperatively with other children as they take part in team games, such as football. Staff support children to regulate their behaviour and ensure the setting is calm and purposeful. Children demonstrate they feel safe and secure through their positive conduct.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff work very well together. They have clear roles and responsibilities and share a clear ethos for the setting. They discuss the interests of the children attending different sessions and tailor activities to them.
They communicate well with each other to ensure they meet the needs of all children effectively, including those with additional needs.Staff take part in regular training to help develop their practice over time. For example, they have recently participated in a play leadership course.
Staff report on the positive impact this has had in the setting in assessing individual children's needs and providing activities linked to these.Staff develop good relationships with children. They take the time and effort to get to know the children well.
They talk to children as they play and ask them about their day. They discuss what children enjoy doing in school and find out about their favourite books. Children respond well to staff and happily answer their questions.
Staff celebrate important events, such as the children's birthdays. Children are delighted when staff and children sing 'Happy Birthday' to them.Children are well looked after.
Staff recognise when children might need more of their time, such as those who are very young or new to the setting. They understand that many children need time to relax after school and provide quiet areas, where children can sit and take part in calming activities, including colouring. Children report how happy they are in the setting.
Behaviour is good. Children are kind and caring towards each other. Older children enjoying playing alongside and helping the younger ones.
They readily share toys and collaborate on tasks together, such as building dens in the outdoor area.Staff promote children's independence well. They have established good routines, which enable children to do things for themselves.
For instance, children put their bags and coats away when they arrive and then wash their hands ready to eat.Staff encourage children to make healthy choices. They teach children the importance of limiting their time on screens and encourage them to take part in physical activities in the outdoor area.
They provide fresh fruit and drinking water for children to access independently. However, at times, children eat as they play with toys. The toys can become sticky or covered in crumbs and are not cleaned as quickly as they could be.
Staff build effective partnerships with parents. They collect essential information from parents when children start, including any allergies and medical needs. They communicate effectively and ensure messages from school staff are shared with parents.
Parents express how happy they are with the activities provided and how effectively staff meet the needs of their children.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.