Our Kids Nursery Ltd

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About Our Kids Nursery Ltd

Name Our Kids Nursery Ltd
Ofsted Inspections
Address 17-21 Ombersley Road, BIRMINGHAM, B12 8UR
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Birmingham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children are extremely happy at this welcoming and inclusive nursery. Staff are sensitive to children's needs.

In particular, they provide babies with the support and reassurance they need if they become unsettled. Children demonstrate that they feel comfortable in their environment and form secure relationships with both the nurturing staff and their peers.Staff have high expectations for what all children are capable of achieving.

The curriculum is built on staff's knowledge of their key children. Most staff carefully consider children's interests and provide an exciting variety of activities for them to join in with.... Babies demonstrate good physical skills and make marks on paper using crayons.

Toddlers show high levels of enjoyment as they splash in the water tray.Children benefit from opportunities that promote their independence. For example, pre-school children skilfully chop up their own salad and fruit.

Staff supervise children well and praise them for their efforts, which helps build on their confidence and perseverance. Children behave well. They follow simple instructions and are respectful of one another.

They are familiar with the routines of the nursery. For instance, toddlers recognise that when they hear the bell ring, it means it is time to tidy up before they get ready to go outdoors.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Overall, the quality of education and teaching throughout the nursery is good.

Most staff plan and deliver a range of motivating learning experiences for children. However, some staff, particularly those working with babies and toddlers, are not yet as confident in understanding the areas of learning that they teach. This means that there are occasions where some children do not always have achievable next steps that support them to make the best possible progress.

The management team is dedicated and passionate. The team strives to provide all children with the best early education. While it does reflect on the overall quality of provision, these reflections are not always rigorous enough to help identify and tackle any emerging areas of development, such as staff's ongoing teaching skills, at the earliest opportunity.

The provision for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) is good. The management team recognises the importance of working collaboratively with parents and professionals to ensure that children with SEND achieve the best possible outcomes. Additional funding is used well to ensure that children with SEND benefit from the highest levels of support at the nursery.

Children consistently display positive attitudes towards their learning. Babies eagerly explore and climb over soft-play equipment. Toddlers concentrate as they press and roll play dough using a range of tools.

Pre-school children are imaginative and work together to construct a 'castle' using plastic blocks.Children's communication and language skills are developing well, including those who speak English as an additional language. Babies enjoy listening to stories and joining in with familiar nursery rhymes.

Staff speak clearly to toddlers and skilfully introduce new words, such as 'squash' and 'squeeze', to help build on their vocabulary. They engage pre-school children in back-and-forth conversations throughout the day and ask questions to encourage their language skills further. In turn, all children are becoming confident communicators.

Staff ensure that children's individual needs are met. They get to know each child and their family extremely well from the outset. There is an effective key-person system in place.

Staff use the information they receive from parents to build on children's interests and experiences during their time at nursery.Parents comment positively about the nursery and the care their children receive. They say that the friendly staff team ensures that children settle well and enjoy their time at nursery.

They discuss that they are happy with the thorough communication they receive from their children's key person.Healthy lifestyles are promoted well throughout the nursery. Children are provided with healthy snacks and meals.

They confidently serve themselves with gentle encouragement from staff. Children enjoy spending time outdoors and benefit from lots of fresh air. They engage in enthusing dance and movement sessions that encourage them to move their bodies in different ways.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nensure that all staff, particularly those working with babies and toddlers, fully understand the areas of learning they teach, in order to support children's development to the highest possible level reflect more rigorously on the overall quality of provision to ensure any emerging areas for development are tackled at the earliest opportunity.

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