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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is outstanding
Children make excellent progress in this outstanding nursery.
The highly qualified staff successfully work together to make the best of their experience, knowledge and what they know about the children. They create an exceptionally well-planned and stimulating curriculum. Children are eager and enthusiastic learners who are continuously guided to build on what they know and can do in all areas of learning.
For instance, children were fascinated to discover the different forms that water can take. They rapidly learned new words linked to the topic, and soon picked up the skills to speak confidently about liquids,... gasses and solids. They thoroughly enjoyed sharing their knowledge, describing how 'you cannot hold liquids, but you can drink them'.
Children arrive happy and eager to learn. They greet staff warmly and quickly settle down to play, showing that they feel exceptionally secure and safe. Children's behaviour is exemplary.
Girls and boys of different ages play together harmoniously. They demonstrate that they understand behavioural expectations, such as sharing resources and sitting at the table for meals. Children eagerly join in with the activities led by adults, and show that they have a real enthusiasm and drive to learn.
Children are confident in their own abilities and enjoy solving problems. For example, when the lids on the felt pens became mixed up, children independently addressed this, ensuring that each pen had the right coloured lid.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff deliver activities in exciting and engaging ways.
These capture children's imaginations, and ensure that they become highly engaged and focused on their learning. For example, staff skilfully incorporate counting and measuring into activities and everyday routines, helping children to develop a secure understanding of mathematics.Staff clearly understand and cater for the stages of development that children go through as they learn new skills.
For instance, they provide plenty of opportunities for children to use their fingers and hands in different ways, such as building with construction kits or threading laces. This helps children to develop excellent strength and coordination to support their writing skills.Children show a keen interest in books, and develop a strong foundation in literacy.
They listen intently to stories and join in enthusiastically with songs and rhymes. Older children proudly demonstrate their mark-making skills as they draw pictures and confidently learn to form the letters in their names.Staff support and extend children's communication and language skills exceptionally well.
They teach children new words, including using non-verbal methods, such picture cards, gestures and facial expressions. This helps children to build strong foundations for listening, understanding and talking. Children who speak English as an additional language make strong progress with their communication skills, and learn to speak English confidently and fluently.
Staff place children's well-being and safety at the heart of everything they do in this nurturing nursery. They have a clear understanding of how children benefit from plenty of vigorous exercise throughout the day. Staff enthusiastically lead the children in physical games and activities.
This encourages children to develop strength and coordination as they learn to move their bodies in different ways.Children are extremely confident and able to cater for their personal needs. At mealtimes, they adeptly peel their fruit and serve their own food and drinks.
They put on their coats before going into the garden, and use and dispose of tissues independently when they have wiped their noses.The manager's self-evaluation is highly accurate. It focuses sharply on continually improving outcomes for the children.
She sets ambitious plans for development, and the staff demonstrate a genuine commitment and passion for their work.Partnerships with parents are excellent. Staff ensure that parents are fully involved in their children's learning within and outside of the nursery.
For example, staff organised a workshop to share information from recent training with parents. This has strengthened continuity in the ways that staff and parents manage children's behaviour.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
The manager ensures that staff have an excellent understanding of a wide range of safeguarding issues. Staff regularly undertake training and discuss safeguarding issues in staff meetings. Staff have an excellent understanding of how to deal with concerns about children's welfare.
They are familiar with the whistleblowing policy, and know the procedures for reporting allegations. They have an exceptional understanding of the signs which may indicate that children are at risk of harm. Staff ensure that they maintain a safe and secure environment for children to play and learn.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.