Our Lady of Pity Annexe Pre School

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About Our Lady of Pity Annexe Pre School

Name Our Lady of Pity Annexe Pre School
Ofsted Inspections
Address St Catherine’s Church, Birkenhead Road, Hoylake, Wirral, CH47 5AF
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Wirral
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents

This provision is good • Partnerships with parents are strong.

Parents speak extremely positively about staff, stating that they are approachable and keep them informed about children's progress. Parents enjoy being part of children's learning. For example, they describe helping children to look for objects that begin with the letter of the week.

• Well-qualified, experienced staff carefully observe children as they play. They identify children's strengths, as well as areas where they are less confident. Staff effectively provide further opportunities for children to build on their existing skills.

This helps children to make good progress. • Staff provide a wel...coming environment. Children are quick and happy to leave their parents.

They form strong bonds with staff and are confident to approach them for assistance. • There is a strong focus on supporting children to develop their mathematical knowledge. For instance, children talk confidently about size and position as they construct large models.

They begin to make comparisons between groups of objects. Children explore simple addition and correctly predict the total when they add one more. • The manager is very proud of the pre-school.

She is highly ambitious and effectively evaluates the provision to continue to raise the quality to the highest level. She seeks the views of parents and staff as part of this process. She explains her plans to use the new interactive white board to extend children's understanding of how technology works.

• Staff do not always successfully gather information from other early years settings where children attend. This means that shared approaches to children's learning are not fully effective. • On occasions, staff do not make the best use of opportunities to challenge children, to fully extend their thinking and problem-solving skills.

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