OurSpace Childcare

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About OurSpace Childcare

Name OurSpace Childcare
Address Elmhurst School, Dunsham Lane, Aylesbury, HP20 2DB
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Buckinghamshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children arrive excited to join activities at the after-school club. For example, they are quick to come in and wash their hands for an Easter baking activity. Staff plan and prepare Easter baking activities to make cornflake cakes.

They provide written instruction for children to develop their independence skills by following these. Staff encourage children to work together and share resources. Children develop positive relationships with their friends at the club.

Staff support younger children in following the instructions. Children are polite and respectful towards the staff and visitors. For example, they engage in co...nversation about their school day and what they have been learning.

Children behave well and use good manners when asking questions. They talk with great joy about their plans for the school holidays.Children enjoy group games.

They build on their turn-taking and listening skills as they ask questions to help them guess the item they have on the card in their headband. Staff join in the game, and they work together to help each other learn the rules of the game. Children laugh and show great humour in this game.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff have high expectations for children's behaviour and conduct. These are shared with the children at the start of an activity. For example, staff ask children to copy a clap sequence to gain children's attention before sharing the plan of activities for the afternoon.

Children listen and respond well and are quick to settle into the activity. Staff model the behaviour they expect from the children.Staff build good relationships with the children.

They get to know them and their interests. This helps them provide activities that engage children. They use information gathered from school and parents to provide the care and support for each of the children.

This helps children feel safe and secure at the club. Children have fun and are confident in making new friends.Children enjoy a variety of games and activities.

They have space where they can rest after a busy school day. They join in group games and activities and are keen to be a part of the group activities. Staff engage with the children and listen to what children have to say.

They talk with enthusiasm and interest about the activity. However, at times younger children are quiet and so are not heard when they express they need some help.Children develop their independence skills.

Staff encourage children to find their own belongings and manage their personal care needs. For example, children wash their hands before baking and label their cakes ready to take home.The manager has clear aims to provide high-quality care to all children and works well with the school and parents.

They gather and share information about the children attending the club. This helps identify children who may need additional support. Staff then plan and create a programme of events and activities that meet the varying ages of the children attending.

The manager ensures the suitability of staff through her recruitment procedures. Staff inductions ensure they know and understand their roles and responsibilities. They have good opportunities for training to develop their knowledge and practice.

Staff feel valued and enjoy working at the after-school club.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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Elmhurst School OurSpace Childcare

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