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Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children love attending the club. They thoroughly enjoy taking part in the wide range of interesting experiences staff provide. They are motivated and keen to explore as they use resources creatively and become immersed in the joy of imaginative play.
For instance, children delight in working together to build giant forts and dens out of cardboard boxes. They pretend large sheets of material are capes for a superhero, a cloak for a queen or blankets to hide under as they join in with each other's make-believe games. Staff are excellent role models.
They get involved with enthusiasm and encourage children to extend their id...eas and become deeply involved in play.Children form close bonds with the staff, who are nurturing and kind. Staff really get to know each child well.
They recognise the important and valuable role they have in supporting children at the beginning and end of their busy day at school. Staff take time to find out about children's interests and celebrate their unique personalities. All children, including children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), thrive.
Staff meet their individual needs and make sure every child is included. Children develop a strong sense of belonging. They demonstrate that they feel safe and secure.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders are highly reflective and passionate to deliver the best provision they can. They provide extensive training and professional development opportunities for every staff member. For instance, staff attend training workshops to enhance their skills in all aspects of their roles.
They learn about different styles of play, child development and how to encourage positive behaviour. Leaders carry out regular meetings with staff and listen to their views. They model good practice and mentor new staff as they grow and develop confidence in their roles.
Staff organise the routine and environment, so that children have free choice of what they would like to do. For example, children have space to move around freely, both indoors and outside. They play energetic games, such as dodgeball, football and ninja-tag.
If children prefer to participate in more focused and quiet play, they have plenty of opportunity to do so. Children look at books, focus and concentrate on making small 3D structures and are highly engaged in drawing and creating collages. Leaders have plans to create a cosy space with beanbags and cushions, where children can relax and unwind.
Staff provide exceptional support for children with SEND. They work in close partnership with parents and the school to ensure they follow targeted plans to meet children's specific requirements. Leaders ensure that they include every child.
They adapt routines and provide additional support, so that every child can access and benefit from their provision.Staff promote positive behaviour extremely well. They take time to explain the clear rules of the club and check that children understand what is expected of them.
Children are considerate of one another and display excellent manners. Where some children struggle, staff use highly effective strategies to provide swift support. They encourage children to express their emotions and consider how their choices impact on others.
Children learn to work together to resolve any minor conflicts and happily continue their play.Staff encourage children to understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle and following good hygiene routines. For example, children wash their hands independently before mealtimes.
They time how long this takes by singing a familiar song. Staff members supervise children to make sure handwashing is thorough. They talk to children about the healthy foods they provide and the importance of drinking water after exercising to keep hydrated.
Children learn about the similarities and differences they share with their peers as they play games to get to know each other. For instance, children call out a favourite thing and the rest of the group stands up or sits down if they like or dislike it. They gain confidence in expressing themselves and make connections as they find out about what they have in common with others.
Children learn to respect people's views and opinions and understand the different perspectives of their peers.Parents have overwhelming praise for the club. They express how happy and comfortable their children are and comment on the vital role staff at the club play in children's lives.
Staff talk to parents at the end of each day about what their children have enjoyed doing. They establish positive partnerships and ensure communication with parents is highly effective.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders have robust and comprehensive policies in place to cover all aspects of safeguarding children. They make sure every staff member fully understands these and is aware of any safety procedures they must follow. Staff know the signs and symptoms of different types of abuse and how to report any concerns they might have about the welfare of a child.
They know what they must do if they were worried about the conduct of a colleague. Leaders follow safe recruitment processes and check the suitability of all staff. Staff carry out risk assessments of the premises before children arrive to minimise hazards and create a safe and secure environment for children to attend.