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The Orchard, Trethias Farm, Padstow, Cornwall, PL28 8JP
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is outstanding
Children find learning enchanting at this inspiring outdoor setting.
The curriculum is meticulously planned and implemented, making the most of seasonal changes within the natural environment. The secure site provides an abundance of enriching opportunities for children to be naturally curious and creative. Children are highly motivated to learn.
They become fascinated with their investigations, for example working together to relocate a pond. All children confidently explore the varied play spaces. They enjoy the opportunities to climb trees.
Children run through the pathways created in the grass, and ...use ropes to push and pull tyres up and down slopes. They follow the clear safety rules and boundaries, such as not climbing past the green ribbon tied on a branch.Knowledgeable and experienced staff skilfully guide children in their activities, extending and nurturing their development.
All interactions with children are of a high quality. Children have excellent relationships with all staff and demonstrate a strong sense of belonging. Staff have high expectations of what children can do and expertly support them to manage their emotions.
Children resolve conflicts themselves, for example using a hand signal and words to communicate when they feel unhappy. Children are caring to one another and make 'gifts' for their friends. They show high levels of respect for others.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Led by the exceptional manager, the staff are passionate in ensuring all children have outstanding experiences. They continually reflect on activities and children's learning to ensure children achieve the best possible outcomes. They use professional development to drive forward improvements in teaching.
For example, following mathematical training, staff increased the opportunities for children to develop a strong sense of number. Children use the wooden 'ten frames' and natural materials to count and order numbers, demonstrating a secure understanding of mathematical concepts.Language skills are strongly embedded in the curriculum.
Staff have rich conversations with children and introduce new words in real life contexts, such as 'droopy'. Children are confident and articulate communicators. They think out loud as they solve problems, explaining their reasoning to nearby adults.
Staff have an excellent understanding of how to sequence children's learning. They identify if children may have any language delay and quickly put extra support in place. All children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities, make excellent progress in their learning.
Books, stories and rhymes are a central part of the day. Staff have placed baskets with carefully selected books throughout the site. Children snuggle into adults to read and take a shared delight in the words and pictures.
Children choose books to read beneath the trees. Staff gather children together around the firepit to enjoy stories as a group. They read in a way that excites and engages children.
Children use the relevant props to fully join in with the storytelling. Some children revisit and retell parts of stories, for example using ribbon, a tree and puppets to make a 'superworm' lasso and swing.Children have wonderful opportunities to be creative and develop their talents.
They become engrossed as they expertly mix the paint colour they want for a model. They show high levels of independence. Staff provide enticing sensory resources.
Children make 'exploding volcanos' and flower petal pictures, proudly sharing their creations with staff. Staff use any extra funding well to target children's specific needs and ensure they have full access to all experiences. This helps to close any gaps in children's learning.
Staff meet children's care needs exceptionally well. Children use clean, compostable toilets and have access to hot and cold running water. There are alternative areas to learn if the weather is extreme.
Children wash their hands when needed without adult prompting. They take any uneaten food to a compost bin. Children make healthy choices and gain an understanding of the importance of caring for their world.
Parents describe the setting as 'magical'. They comment that the settling-in process is comprehensive and supportive. Parents note the impact of the high-quality provision.
Children talk about their learning, for example naming and warning parents about certain plants. Parents are full of praise for the genuine partnership that helps them support their child's learning at home.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
The manager and staff have an excellent understanding of their responsibility in recognising and reporting any concerns about children's welfare. Safeguarding has a high priority in every staff meeting. The manager uses scenario-based questions and quizzes to ensure staff know how to recognise when a child may be at risk of harm.
Staff receive specific training to understand and manage the risks of an outdoor environment. Staff reinforce safety rules with children daily. The quality of communication between staff on a wide-ranging site is exemplary.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.