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Over Community Centre, 16 The Doles, Over, Cambridge, CB24 5NW
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is outstanding
The enthusiastic manager and her dedicated team welcome children warmly into this exciting pre-school. Their energetic approach supports children to settle swiftly and have a positive attitude to their learning.
Children form close attachments to staff who are highly responsive to their individual needs. As a result, children feel safe and secure in their nurturing care.Staff provide exceptionally stimulating play opportunities that enable children to become deeply absorbed in their learning.
Children delight at creating dragon potions in their outdoor kitchen. They measure out various sensory ingredients, inclu...ding 'slimy venom' and 'sparkling eggs', exploring the changes in the appearance and texture of their potions.Children are polite, considerate and demonstrate empathy for others.
Staff have exceptional strategies in place to support children's understanding of appropriate behaviour. When children struggle taking turns in activities, staff encourage them to develop strategies to resolve conflict. They take time to explore children's emotions and the impact their resulting behaviour has on themselves and others.
Staff encourage children to complete age-appropriate tasks within the pre-school. Children relish the responsibility of maintaining the outdoor play area, ensuring that it remains safe for everyone. They follow routines confidently, placing their possessions away on arrival and listening attentively during group discussions.
As a result, children are incredibly well prepared for their next stage of learning.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff embrace children's individuality and skilfully support their learning based on their unique interests. They create inspirational activities that encourage children to become deeply absorbed in their learning.
For example, when children arrive dressed as superheroes, they explore what this means to them. Staff build on these ideas to develop children's critical thinking skills. They support children to create detailed maps of the pre-school and plan escape routes to keep their friends safe.
Staff support children's mathematical development extremely well across all activities. They skilfully use children's interests as the basis of their teaching. For example, children explore the difference between centimetres and inches while measuring themselves.
Staff then support them to independently measure other objects in the environment.The provider and committee play an active role in the organisation of the pre-school. They are highly committed to supporting the team in delivering high-quality learning opportunities to all children who attend.
For example, the committee organise regular fundraising events and share their areas of expertise with managers and staff.Developing children's language skills is deeply embedded in every aspect of the pre-school's practice. Staff complete additional training to deliver Makaton sessions that support all children's communication.
Children are encouraged to discuss their interests during regular group discussions. Staff are strong role models. They display excellent language skills and demonstrate new vocabulary at every opportunity.
The manager is highly committed to providing exceptional learning opportunities for children. She reflects diligently on all areas of practice, making well-considered changes that she monitors closely. For example, recent changes to children's routines on arrival support them to develop skills that prepare them exceptionally well for their next stage of learning.
Children have many wonderful opportunities to explore ways of life beyond their own. They celebrate one another's unique customs and traditions in age-appropriate ways. For example, children create dolls depicting national costumes and enjoy tasting various foods that families bring in to share.
Leaders provide meaningful opportunities for children to engage in their local community. Children look forward to sharing stories with their friends at the nearby day centre and delight at recalling visits from the local riding stables.Relationships with families are of an exceptionally high standard.
Parents are actively involved in the day-to-day routines of the pre-school. They regularly visit to read with children and enjoy celebratory meals that children help prepare. Parents offer their skills and knowledge to support children's learning.
For example, they are currently helping to establish an allotment area where children can grow their own fruits and vegetables.Morale is high and staff report that they feel exceptionally well supported by leaders. The manager conducts highly effective appraisals and supervisions to identify training opportunities.
All staff develop areas of expertise that they share with colleagues to support the needs of all children.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.