PH Camps - Broad Hinton Primary School

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About PH Camps - Broad Hinton Primary School

Name PH Camps - Broad Hinton Primary School
Address Broad Hinton School, Broad Hinton, SWINDON, SN4 9PQ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Wiltshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children keenly arrive at this enjoyable holiday club. All children are greeted with a smile on arrival and know staff well. Staff explain to the children about the day and offer them choices to change the programme.

They consistently encourage children's full participation. Children willingly join in and have a go. They are happy and laugh as they play.

Children benefit from lots of fresh air and physical exercise. They keenly take part in a wide range of planned activities and games to meet their individual needs and abilities. Children enjoy group activities, such as dodge ball and bulldog.

They excitedly join with curling and football. Children skilfully show coordination and their physical abilities.Children learn new skills and remember the rules of each activity.

They are motivated and very keen to join in. Children enthusiastically take part in activities, such as a nature hunt and art and crafts. Staff encourage them to solve problems and use their imagination.

For example, children are able to select the biggest leaves as they search the fields and work out how to dry them before they can create their nature pictures. Children use their imagination as they select resources to create their own obstacle courses. Staff encourage the children to use their own ideas and then take part in the course to celebrate their achievements.

Staff successfully promote children's independence and confidence. For example, they encourage children to put their own coats on and choose their own snack. Children have lots of fun during their time at the camp.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Parents report on the 'good' and 'highly inclusive' care their children receive. They speak of the friendly staff and the good communication they receive from them. They say their children love their time at the club and enjoy attending.

Staff create a welcoming and friendly environment. Children are keen to talk about how much they enjoy their time at the club. New children settle quickly.

Children build strong relationships with staff and each other. Older children readily support younger children with activities and everyday tasks.The providers value the views of families who use the camp.

They frequently monitor the camp to ensure it meets the needs of the families it serves. They gather the views of parents and children, and ensure these suggestions are included in the plans for development and improvement at the camp.Children benefit from a wide and interesting range of activities and experiences.

For example, they develop a good knowledge of different sports and art work.Activities appeal to different ages. For example, older children have fun taking part in a curling competition, while younger children enjoy creating an obstacle course using various tiles.

There are lots of opportunities for children to be physically active outdoors. The camp benefits from a large outdoor space. Children run freely, kick balls and chase each other.

They go on nature walks, where they explore what nature has to offer.Robust safe recruitment procedures are followed. This helps ensure that all staff working with children are suitable to do so.

The organisation provides an in-depth induction day for new staff before they start. Staff access online training and training days. This helps to promote their continuous professional development opportunities well.

Children settle quickly and behave very well. Staff have high expectations for all children, and they are very good role models. They consistently praise children for their efforts to help promote their sense of achievement.

Staff are enthusiastic and caring. This helps promote children's good behaviour and emotional well-being very well.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

All staff provide a safe and secure environment for children to play and learn in. They are aware of their role to help keep children safe. Staff can identify the signs and symptoms that may be indicators children are at risk.

They are aware of the procedures to follow and the outside agencies they should report concerns to if required. They understand this must be done in a timely manner. The leaders monitor ongoing staff suitability through regular supervisions and appraisals.

Also at this postcode
Broad Hinton Church of England Primary School

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