PH Sports - Ubley Primary

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About PH Sports - Ubley Primary

Name PH Sports - Ubley Primary
Address Ubley School, The Street, Ubley, Bristol, BS40 6PJ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority BathandNorthEastSomerset
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are happy and settle in with ease. They are excited to see their friends as they arrive at the after-school club.

Staff are kind and welcoming to children. They talk to children about their school day and listen attentively as children share their experiences.Children can choose from a wide range of age-appropriate activities indoors, including board games, art and craft materials and construction play.

There is also a quiet area for children to sit and relax after the school day. Additionally, staff encourage children to engage in everyday team sports. For instance, children can choose from playing outdoor cricke...t, football or tennis where they get to build on their physical fitness as well as their social skills.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the club operated in 'bubbles' where children remained with their school year groups. However, since the easing of restrictions, the manager states that children are happy to play and socialise with their friends across all ages.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The manager carefully plans daily activities to engage all children.

During the inspection, children enjoyed crafting Arctic cones out of paper and completing word searches based on the current theme about the Arctic weather.Staff promote healthy eating. They ensure children have access to a varied range of nutritional foods during snack time, including fresh and dried fruit, breadsticks, crackers, cucumber and rice cakes.

Staff talk to children about the importance of brushing their teeth regularly and eating less sugary foods to help maintain good oral health.Children are independent in managing their own personal care needs. Upon arrival at the club, they immediately place their belongings away and wash their hands ready for a healthy snack.

Following snack, children thoughtfully place any used items in the wash bowl. Staff encourage children to make free-play choices and to move between the inside and outdoor areas.Staff are good role models in promoting children's positive behaviour.

They praise children for their good efforts, for example when younger children pour their own drinks. Children are polite and courteous to one another and respectful towards adults. Younger children are assigned a key person to help them settle in and to meet their ongoing needs.

Staff benefit from ongoing training opportunities to improve their knowledge and skills, including in safeguarding children and behaviour management. Staff attend regular supervision meetings with the leadership team where they receive feedback about their performance as well as discuss any concerns. Staff comment that leaders have been highly supportive in promoting their well-being, especially during the pandemic.

The manager and staff know how to provide a safe and secure environment for children. They conduct daily risk assessments to check the premises for any hazards. Staff deploy themselves effectively to ensure the safe supervision of children.

For example, they use walkie-talkies to communicate any key information and to alert one another if they need assistance.Parents speak highly of the staff and the service they receive. They comment that staff are professional, thoughtful and organised.

Staff communicate regularly with parents and school staff to exchange information and to promote children's continuity of care.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Leaders and staff have a secure understanding of their role to safeguard children and keep them safe from harm.

They are familiar with the procedures for reporting any welfare concerns about a child and know how to respond to any allegations of abuse. All staff attend regular safeguarding training and are knowledgeable about wider safeguarding issues, including the 'Prevent' duty, domestic abuse and county lines. Staff maintain adequate ratios at all times and deploy themselves effectively while ensuring children are closely supervised.

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