PLAY at St Mary’s

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About PLAY at St Mary’s

Name PLAY at St Mary’s
Address St. Marys Rc School, Church Road, Portslade, Brighton, BN41 1LB
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority BrightonandHove
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children arrive happy and excited as friendly staff welcome them into the school hall. Children greet one another as they sit down and have their snacks.

They explain that one of their favourite things about after-school club is the staff. Children discuss that they feel safe and reassured. They know they can always seek comfort and help if they need to.

Staff encourage children to listen as they discuss the activities available and complete registration together. Children go to wash their hands before getting involved in an exciting cooking activity. They show a high level of respect for one another.

Older childr...en support younger children with tasks, such as tidying the pens at the colouring table. Children have a good understanding of the expectations of their behaviour. Staff play a wide variety of outdoor sports with children in the large playground.

Children learn skills in games such as football, netball and basketball. They learn to play together in teams and remind one another of rules. Children follow their interests and become engaged in activities.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff know how to support children's developing communication skills. They have frequent conversations and encourage discussions within small groups. Staff get involved with imaginative role play as children excitedly set up their own hair and beauty salon.

Children talk about their own experiences of having their hair cut and discuss the jobs they would like to have when they grow up.Children learn about good health. Staff talk to them about the importance of washing their hands before cooking class.

Children also explain their understanding of a balanced diet and why they should not consume too much sugar. Children develop a good knowledge of how to make healthy lifestyle choices.Staff provide children with a wide range of exciting activities.

Children learn how to make pizzas and experiment with different ingredients. Staff check children's knowledge by asking them about different vegetables, for example. Staff also teach children how to use kitchen tools safely.

Children engage in meaningful experiences.Staff know how to extend children's knowledge and build on what they have been learning at school. Children become immersed in their games as staff play dominoes with them.

When children recognise numbers correctly, staff offer them plenty of praise and recognise the significance of children's accomplishments.Parents speak highly of the managers and staff at the after-school club. They discuss that their children enjoy attending because of all the fun activities available.

At the end of the session, staff take children to the door and talk to parents about what they have been doing together today. Parent partnerships are strong.Children understand the behavioural expectations of the setting.

They listen carefully when staff count down from five. Staff use phrases such as 'listening ears' to support young children's understanding. Staff also provide children with guidance on how to play safely.

For example, when children are using scissors, staff remind them how they should be carried across the room. Children learn how to keep themselves safe and positive behaviour is supported well.Staff involve children in planning activities that follow their interests.

For example, they set up construction areas and run sessions focused on creations with colourful beads. Staff ask for feedback from children and frequently change the resources available. Children feel involved and explain that there is always something new and exciting to do at after-school club.

The manager has a clear understanding of his responsibilities. He knows the importance of ensuring that all staff remain suitable to work with children. The manager supports staff to undertake regular training to enhance their professional development.

This includes courses such as first aid and food hygiene.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
Hippy Kids Playschool St Mary’s Catholic Primary School

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