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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children thrive in this warm and welcoming environment. They quickly establish trusting relationships with staff who are kind and attentive to their needs. Children continuously demonstrate that they feel happy, safe and secure.
They are full of smiles and rooms are filled with chatter and laughter. Young children independently explore the array of resources available. They benefit from meaningful experiences that encompass all areas of learning.
Children are motivated to learn. They concentrate on their chosen activities playing alongside staff who interact enthusiastically with them. Staff have high expectations and ...as such, children are beginning to understand right from wrong.
Children listen to the instructions given by staff and are learning to share and take turns. Staff explain to children why some behaviours are unwanted and the consequences of their actions. For example, staff gently remind children not to climb and to keep their feet on the floor when playing at the sand table.
They explain that they don not want them to fall or hurt themselves which supports children's understanding. Older children show kindness and concern for one another as they play harmoniously together. They relish the responsibilities they are given as they assist staff throughout the day.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have made significant progress since the last inspection and have worked tirelessly to bring about considerable improvements. There has been a very proactive approach to address the concerns raised previously and staff comment on the differences that they can see. Changes to room layouts have resulted in noteworthy improvements, particularly regarding children's behaviour and staff deployment.
Staff know the children well. They gather pertinent information about children's existing skills and abilities which enables them to plan purposely for children's good progress. The curriculum reflects children's individual interests and what they like to do.
However, some staff do not confidently challenge children's learning and thinking. They do not make the most of opportunities as children play spontaneously, to strengthen and extend children's knowledge even further.Overall, staff support children's emerging language skills effectively.
Lots of work has been done to ensure that staff understand children's communication and speech development. However, there is some inconsistency in staff practice. For example, some staff use questioning techniques skilfully, others ask too many questions and do not always give children sufficient time to respond.
Children who speak English as an additional language are supported well. Staff use their strong partnerships with parents to obtain key words which aids children's understanding. Additionally, staff utilise objects of reference and 'now and next' boards to further support children's command of the English language.
Children have many opportunities to develop their self-care skills and to be independent. During mealtime routines children pour their own drinks, cut up their own food and clear away their plates and cutlery. However, the organisation of mealtime routines, means that some children wait too long for their food which causes noise levels to increase.
Additionally, some children become distracted when desserts are offered prior to them finishing. This results in a somewhat chaotic and disjointed experience. Furthermore, while staff wear gloves and aprons, hygiene arrangements are not always implemented successfully.
Children's literacy development is a strong element of the nursery's provision. Children regularly select books and seek out staff to share their favourite stories with. They snuggle together in cosy areas, independently turning pages and pointing to what they see in the pictures.
Staff have created a lending library to enable families to enjoy books at home. Furthermore, they share information about the 'book of the week' and plan exciting activities relating to the story for children to experience. Children of all ages confidently use a variety of tools to make marks, both indoors and outside.
Staff encourage children to squeeze and manipulate dough to help them to strengthen the muscles in their hands. They understand the essential skills children need to develop to enable them to hold a pencil in readiness for writing.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Staff have a sound understanding of their roles and responsibilities in protecting children from harm. They confidently describe the actions they would take if they had concerns about a child's welfare or the practice of a colleague. All staff complete regular training and leaders test their understanding of safeguarding requirements during staff meetings and supervision discussions.
Staff ensure that children are able to play in a safe and secure environment through the completion of regular risk assessments. They understand the safe use of mobile phones and deploy themselves effectively so that children are supervised at all times.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: help staff to identify when they can challenge children's learning and understanding further support staff to develop their teaching skills so that they consistently use skilful questioning techniques and give children time to think and respond refine the organisation of mealtime routines and ensure that staff implement hygiene arrangements robustly.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.