Pamphill Pre School Nursery

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About Pamphill Pre School Nursery

Name Pamphill Pre School Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Address Pamphill Green, Pamphill, Wimborne, Dorset, BH21 4EE
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Dorset
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Children are exceptionally motivated in their learning.

They arrive keen to come in to the nursery and quickly become involved in purposeful learning. Children cooperate extremely well together, taking turns. Older children are very good role models to the younger children.

Consequently, all children's behaviour is exemplary. Children show high levels of respect for each other and the staff who look after them.Staff have very high expectations for what children can achieve and provide a rich and varied curriculum tailored to children's individual needs.

They know the children as unique individuals and e...nhance children's learning on a daily basis. For example, children make dough and choose what colour and fragrance they are going to use. They enjoy adding a range of herbs and exploring the different textures.

In the outside area, children use different-sized containers, funnels and pipettes to measure volume and capacity in the water tray. Highly skilled staff adapt the activity to suit all abilities to make sure children make the best possible progress.During the COVID-19 pandemic, staff have worked closely with parents.

Although parents drop off and collect their children from the nursery door, staff ensure that they maintain strong and effective partnerships with parents. In addition, staff work exceptionally hard to support children's personal, social and emotional development, which has been affected by the lack of socialisation during lockdown. Parents comment that staff know their children exceptionally well.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children make rapid progress in their learning. They are confident and independent learners and are very well supported by the highly enthusiastic staff. For example, children bring books in from home and staff read them with the children.

They use effective questioning to extend children's vocabulary and understanding. For example, children learn about what 'villains' are as they appear in the story. Children thoroughly enjoy listening to remarkably well read stories and use different props to enhance their enjoyment and learning.

The staff work remarkably well together. The manager is passionate and inspirational in her knowledge and understanding of how young children learn and develop, and what is exceptional practice. She leads the staff team outstandingly well.

The staff complement each other, ensuring every child's uniqueness is celebrated. They know the children exceptionally well and use their knowledge to help the children to become highly confident and independent learners.The nursery has exceptionally good links with the school.

The chair of the committee is also a governor at the school. This enhances the opportunities for the children and staff to use different parts of the school, such as the meadow and forest school, to further enhance children's learning. In addition, this makes children's transition through to school an exceptionally positive experience.

Children excitedly explore their environment. They work well together as they build using large wooden construction. Children use a variety of technology, such as compact disc players, independently enabling them to choose what they would like to listen to.

Staff are highly skilled at knowing when to step in to extend children's learning and when to allow them to develop their own ideas. They use 'in the moment planning' exceptionally well.Staff provide an exceptionally stimulating environment.

Children show high levels of motivation as they independently choose what they would like to play with. Staff respond quickly to children's changing interests. Children use natural resources, such as fresh produce in their role play shop and home corner.

Children with additional needs are exceptionally well supported. Staff work extremely closely with parents and other professionals to ensure children's individual needs are met. They place a high emphasis on enabling the children to make excellent progress given their age and stage of development and their starting points.

Children's behaviour is exceptionally good. They develop a strong sense of belonging. Older children role model exemplary behaviour, which enables younger children to follow.

Staff support even the youngest children to follow the boundaries and expectations, which are regularly shared with them. This enables all children to know and understand what is expected. All children show kindness and respect to each other.

For example, children use wooden blocks to vote for which story they would like the member of staff to read.Children are extremely well prepared for school. They are confident speakers, show high levels of motivation and know and understand how to follow instructions.

Exceptional staff use innovative ways to support children in this. For example, when children line up to go outside, staff encourage them to think of different patterns, such as two boys and then two girls or a girl then a boy. This helps children with their mathematical development as well.

Partnerships with parents are highly effective. Parents value the excellent communication that enables them to be fully involved in their children's learning. They value the nursery's facilities and feel that these really benefit their children.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.All management and staff have a very secure understanding of all aspects of safeguarding. They know and understand the importance of knowing the children exceptionally well to be able to identify any possible concerns with their health, safety and general well-being.

There are very good procedures, such as regular training and discussions about safeguarding. The manager talks with staff at every supervision meeting to ensure they are very clear on their role and responsibility. Children learn from an early age how to use tools and equipment safely.

This is particularly successful when playing in the garden and the forest school. Children learn to take controlled risks because staff place a high emphasis on providing a safe environment. There are very good recruitment and vetting procedures to ensure that staff and the committee are suitable to work with young children.

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