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Christchurch Baptist, 110 Parkway, Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire, AL8 6HN
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Staff create a calm and welcoming environment for the children. They made changes to the routines and learning environment as a result of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic.
Children responded well to these changes. For example, children wave goodbye to their parents at the door before entering the building. They settle down and focus at the activities they choose.
Children are respectful and polite to others. Everyone works together. Children help adults to clear away the toys.
They involve others in their play. For example, when children make pretend cakes in the mud kitchen. They listen to each other and s...hare their ideas, such as by adding sand and water to the mud.
Staff are on hand to remind them to use kind words when children need support and encouragement.Children make good progress in their learning and development. This includes children who have special educational needs and/or disabilities.
Staff know all children well. They quickly recognise when children may need extra support. Staff use their wealth of training and experience effectively.
For example, they use Makaton as an inclusive way to communicate with all children. Staff share their knowledge with parents so that they can support their children at home.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Children are enthusiastic and motivated learners.
They enjoy hunting for minibeasts. Children show the staff the minibeasts they find. Staff explain to the children why they need to hold the creatures carefully.
They talk about the butterflies in the setting. Children remember that the butterflies used to be caterpillars. Staff use relevant words, such as 'chrysalis', and explain what the word means.
This helps children to extend their knowledge and vocabulary even further.Staff plan engaging and motivating learning opportunities based on children's interests and individual targets. Staff take swift action to support children with emerging gaps, such as with sharing and turn taking following the closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Staff differentiate activities to challenge children. For instance, the youngest children use fruit and paint to create artwork. Older children create pictures of caterpillars, cutting and sticking small pieces of paper.
This helps them to develop their smaller muscles. The most able children write their names and label their work. Children are well prepared for moving on to school.
Children enjoy being active outside. They participate in events, such as sports day. Staff carefully consider how to involve parents in the event.
They adapt their plans to adhere to COVID-19 government guidelines. Children persevere and practise their events. Staff praise them for trying their best and celebrate everyone's achievements.
Staff work together well and feel supported. The manager provides them with regular supervision meetings. They hold daily discussions about their roles and responsibilities.
Staff use their skills and interests to provide children with new experiences. For instance, children enjoy singing familiar songs as staff play the guitar. Children come and explore the guitar, plucking the strings to see what sounds they can create.
Staff help children to communicate with their friends. Children are familiar with the snack time routine. They find their name card and water bottle before washing their hands.
Children wait patiently for everyone to sit down before they eat. Staff explain to children how to cut the apple safely. They discuss the pips inside the apple.
Children take turns to share their own experiences as their friends listen with interest. For instance, they talk about when they accidentally swallowed a pip. Staff support children's emotional development, asking how it made them feel.
Children who speak English as an additional language are, generally, well supported. In addition to English, staff speak Afrikaans and Japanese. The oldest children take part in Spanish lessons, led by a Spanish volunteer.
Children share their learning with visiting adults, counting to five in Spanish. However, staff could do more to ensure that all children have opportunities to share their home language and culture within the setting.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
The whole staff team understand their responsibilities to keep children safe. They are aware of how to identify the possible signs that a child may be at risk of harm. Staff know how to raise any concerns they have and the procedures they need to follow.
The manager regularly reviews the policies and these are shared with staff and parents. Staff are provided with regular training, which helps them to keep their safeguarding knowledge up to date.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: consistently provide opportunities for all children to share their home language and culture within the setting.
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Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.