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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is outstanding
Children of all ages benefit from a nurturing and rich learning environment, wholly focused around each child's individual needs and abilities.
Leaders and staff organise an exciting and thought-provoking programme of educational activities exceptionally well. This enables children to achieve the best possible progress.Children's individuality is at the heart of the setting.
Staff respect each child and their views. As a result, children are confident and appreciate each other's diversity. Individually tailored settling-in procedures help children to feel confident and make secure bonds with staff.
Staf...f consistently talk to children as they play alongside them and support their emotional well-being. From the outset, they teach children about their expectations of positive behaviour. Children's behaviour is exemplary.
Children correctly use a wide range of vocabulary to show their feelings.Children benefit from rich opportunities that give them an excellent insight into each other's backgrounds. For instance, children have their own 'diversity box'.
Inside is a variety of meaningful resources, including sound buttons that model different languages. This helps children to highly respect and value each other, and comprehend their individuality. Children are proud of their heritage and confidently represent themselves during play.
Children think critically for themselves and keep on trying when difficulties arise. For example, they carefully consider how to melt ice. They test their ideas, exploring a variety of ways to solve their problem.
These are important skills that they need for their future learning.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders and staff work exceptionally well together. The quality of education is outstanding.
The focused staff know what they want children to learn to support them in their future success. This is firmly and consistently in place throughout the nursery.Staff are exceptionally skilled at following the lead of the children, and provide exciting and inspiring activities that are linked to children's interests.
Children are inspired to learn and are enthusiastic and animated. They show exceptional resilience as they keep on trying with activities, from start to finish. For example, children select their own resources to mix colours in the art room.
Children refer to previous learning and decide how much of each colour to mix together.Healthy lifestyles are promoted well at the nursery. Staff offer children a rich set of experiences.
For example, children make dens and use real woodworking tools, showing high levels of skill and concentration. They engage with nature and practise their physical skills, such as climbing and balancing. Children have practical play opportunities to learn about healthy food.
Natural resources, that can be used in a variety of ways, are available. For example, children play with real food in the home area.Leaders and staff support any potential gaps in development exceptionally well.
They swiftly identify where children may need extra support, ensuring that incisive strategies are in place to meet their additional needs. Leaders and staff sharply monitor children's progress to help them prepare exceedingly well for their next stage in learning. For example, they seek prompt assistance from other professionals, and organise targeted plans to make sure that development gaps rapidly close.
Children learn exceptional levels of independence for their age. For example, toddlers instinctively know the hand hygiene routines to follow before they have their lunch. Staff expertly help children to do things for themselves, which are tailored to their abilities.
For instance, staff fill a jug with just enough water so that children can manage the task themselves. Children have excellent hand-to-eye coordination as they pour their drinks, serve their dinners and use cutlery.Leaders monitor their staff efficiently.
They place a very strong emphasis on promoting staff well-being and minimising any issues with workload. Staff are extremely positive about the supervision sessions and support provided. Leaders have an excellent oversight of their provision.
They continually evaluate the nursery to help ensure they are providing outstanding learning and care. For example, they use children, parent and staff surveys to gain their views. Leaders make contact with the local schools once the children have moved to find out how prepared the children were.
Self-evaluation is exemplary and leads to comprehensive improvement plans, such as introducing stay-and-play sessions and parents' evenings. The members of the already highly qualified and experienced staff team have an admirable passion and dedication to their continued professional development.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders and staff have an excellent understanding of all areas of safeguarding, including current legislation and guidance, such as the 'Prevent' duty. Staff have a very comprehensive understanding of what to do if leaders do not take action, and how to escalate their concerns to other agencies. They ensure that children are safeguarded at all times, including respecting babies' and young children's dignity and privacy when changing nappies.
Leaders and staff talk to children to ensure their voices are heard. This makes them feel safe at nursery. Leaders have very robust vetting and recruitment systems to help ensure that staff are suitable for their roles and responsibilities.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.