Pegasus Child Care Centre

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About Pegasus Child Care Centre

Name Pegasus Child Care Centre
Ofsted Inspections
Address Main Street, Osgodby, Market Rasen, Lincs, LN8 3TA
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Lincolnshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children are supported by staff to understand when the daily routines change, which promotes their emotional well-being.

For example, staff shake a tambourine to alert children to a change. Children stop what they are doing, put their hands in the air and listen to what will happen next, such as helping to tidy away toys. Staff praise children for their efforts, which helps to raise their self-esteem.

Children show positive relationships with staff and are interested to find out about their home experiences. For example, the manager shows children her baby scan photo and introduces words such as 'ultrasound' to help ex...tend their vocabulary. Children congratulate the manager and say that they cannot wait until the baby is born.

Children have opportunities to develop their mathematical skills, which includes extending their knowledge of capacity. For instance, staff ask children if they can find objects that will fit into a small cup and objects that are too big for the cup. Children laugh when they run around with staff in the garden.

They enjoy staff being engaged in their play, such as when staff hold their hands together above their heads, pretending to be sharks. Children are physically active and show excitement when they try to run away from them. When children climb walls to large apparatus, staff stand close by to support their safety.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The manager and staff implement a curriculum that helps children to progress in their development. This includes helping to close gaps in some children's communication and social skills following the COVID-19 pandemic. For example, staff plan small-group times to encourage children to socialise with others.

They ask children a good range of questions to encourage their thinking skills.The manager and staff help children to settle when they first start to attend the nursery. For example, they ask parents to share photos of staff and the environment with their children before they start, which helps to make these familiar.

The manager has made changes to how children enter the building to provide them with more space. These strategies help children to feel emotionally secure.The manager and staff spend additional funding that some children receive effectively.

This has helped them to provide quiet areas for children to concentrate during activities.Children with additional needs are supported well by staff. Individual targets are identified in partnership with the local authority and staff.

These are implemented during one-to-one times with children to help them to progress in their development.Staff support parents to continue to build on their children's learning at home. For example, they give children bags to take home that include books and activities.

This supports parents to build on their children's communication skills.Staff talk to children about the rules and boundaries that are in place to promote positive behaviour. Children understand these and tell staff that if children snatch toys, they need to get a timer to encourage them to take turns.

However, during planned group times, staff do not always support children to listen to the views of others or take turns in conversations. This results in some children answering staff's questions at the same time.Staff help children to learn about the importance of taking care of their teeth.

For example, staff talk to children about drinks that contain sugar and how milk can make their teeth strong. Children say that they do not get germs in their mouths if they clean their teeth.Staff support children to learn skills in preparation for their move on to school.

This includes encouraging children to be independent with their self-care skills. For instance, staff help children to learn how to take off and put on their socks. At snack time, children are asked to pour their own drinks and to put their plate and cup in the sink when they have finished.

The manager and staff invite teachers to visit the children in the nursery before they start school. This helps children to become familiar with the adults who will be caring for them. Information about children's development is shared with school teachers, which helps to provide consistency in their learning.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: support staff to strengthen their interactions with children during planned group times to encourage them to take turns in conversations and listen to the views of others.

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