Perform N5

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About Perform N5

Name Perform N5
Address St. Johns Highbury Vale School, Conewood Street, London, Middlesex, N5 1DL
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Islington
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are warmly welcomed into the holiday club and they settle well. They demonstrate good levels of engagement and enjoyment in their activities. Children's behaviour is good.

They respond positively to the gentle reminders from staff to share, take turns and be kind to others. Children receive encouragement and praise, which helps to support their self-esteem.Children enjoy healthy foods and fresh drinking water.

They ensure children's dietary requirements and allergies are fully catered for. Children confidently talk about foods that are healthy and unhealthy. They know they need to brush their teeth to keep them cl...ean.

Staff have built a strong focus on developing children's confidence and self-esteem. For example, the children speak about their feelings, and they are encouraged to express their emotions through dance and acting. Children are kind and considerate and include their friends in their play.

The manager and staff recognise the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on children's social skills and emotional security. Staff have worked closely with parents to ensure that all children have the individual support they need to feel emotionally secure and settled.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The manager and staff are relentless in their determination to provide children with opportunities to build on their self-esteem and confidence.

Staff use the policies, procedures, and risk assessments closely to securely guide their practice, keep children safe, and support their well-being.Staff offer a welcoming and interesting environment for children. The quality of staff's coaching and instruction, particularly in helping children learn performing arts, is good.

Children learn new skills, engage happily, and behave very well.Staff encourage children to communicate well. Children show respect for each other by listening when others talk, and they ask for help if they need it, for example, when taking part in group discussions.

During these sessions, staff build on children's vocabulary and encourage turn taking.Staff are proactive in helping children to assess risk for themselves, such as during the daily group get together, when children re-visit the club's 'golden rules'. Children show independence as they recall some of these rules, including confidently stating, 'We must listen to each other.'

The holiday club promotes a healthy eating policy. Staff work in partnership with parents to ensure children who are staying all day have a healthy packed lunch. Children enjoy daily opportunities to be active, through dance and larger movements.

This promotes the children's developing physical skills.Children's hygiene needs are managed well. Older children independently use the toilet and wash their hands.

Children understand the need to prevent the spread of germs, as they cough into their hands.Staff place a strong emphasis on helping children to develop their confidence and well-being. They carefully plan for the children and their learning outcomes.

However, on occasion, the younger children become disengaged and sometimes become restless when they wait for the next activity or routine to begin.Staff support children to explore and have a positive approach to new experiences. They narrate their play, describing what they are doing.

They encourage the children to take part in new concepts, such as acting.Parents comment positively on the care and attention that staff give to their children. They state how their children enjoy attending and are proud of the progress that their children have made.

Staff ensure that parents are kept well informed about their children's learning and development. They chat with parents at arrival and collection times and share a wealth of photos and information via a dedicated app.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff have a good understanding of their role and their responsibility in protecting children from harm. Leaders make sure that staff complete regular training to ensure that they can confidently recognise potential symptoms and report concerns. Staff understand the holiday club's whistle-blowing procedures and wider safeguarding issues, such as the 'Prevent' duty.

There are robust recruitment and vetting procedures to ensure that staff are suitable to work with children. Staff deploy themselves effectively and ensure that children are well supervised. They complete continuous risk assessments of all areas to ensure that children are safe and secure in their environment.

Also at this postcode
St John’s Highbury Vale CofE Primary School Conewood Childrens Centre Nursery Stagecoach Islington

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