Perform NW8

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About Perform NW8

Name Perform NW8
Address 24-26 Hill Road, London, Middlesex, NW8 9QG
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Westminster
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are warmly welcomed to the club and have good relationships with the staff. They enter without a backwards glance and look around for their friends and activities to settle down to.

The resources and set up are more than adequate for the number of children and age range. Children thrive in this vibrant, fun filled, language-rich environment. They demonstrate that they feel exceptionally safe, secure, and settled.

Children's communication is successfully stimulated by the highly responsive staff team, who provide numerous opportunities for children to interact effectively. Children express themselves exceptionally ...well through gentle questioning.Children know to wash their hands following routines and they also learn about the importance of this.

Nutritional snacks are provided to support children to make healthy food choices. Children re-enact stories while happily exploring props provided. Staff have built a strong focus on developing children's confidence and self-esteem.

For example, the children speak about their feelings, and they are encouraged to express their emotions through dance and acting.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff prioritise supporting children's well-being and personal development. Staff are caring and patient.

For example, younger children are paired with a 'buddy' to help them to settle into the holiday club. The 'buddies' comfort children and encourage them to share any concerns, so that these can be overcome. Children understand how to behave.

Staff constantly praise and reward children for their good behaviour, helping children to feel proud and form good relationships.The curriculum is successfully underpinned with a focus on developing children's confidence, independence, and personal, social and emotional well-being. The manager and staff know their children exceptionally well.

They clearly explain what they want children to learn and achieve next. They use children's interests and previous experiences to embed children's learning. For example, children of all ages thoroughly enjoy, listen attentively, and respond with understanding to familiar stories and songs throughout the day.

The manager and staff foster excellent relationships with parents. They provide bespoke support, seeking support from external professionals. Parents provide examples of the ways in which the manager and staff have gone above and beyond all expectations of their role to support children and their families.

Parents speak very highly of the club and about how their children are extremely confident and independent and have made outstanding progress.The leadership and management of the setting are inspirational. The exceptionally close working relationships between the manager and staff team result in an extremely efficient service that meets the needs of children and their families.

Their expertise in identifying support and addressing children's individual needs is second to none. The manager's and staff's sheer determination to introduce specialised help before additional support is secured, and to obtain specific equipment, is worthy of dissemination. The highly effective arrangements to support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities are coordinated extremely well.

Staff work in full partnership with parents and other professionals to meet children's individual needs.The constant attention given to reflection and evaluation ensures the continued provision of a broad, balanced, and ambitious curriculum. Staff's training is linked to the needs of the children to achieve maximum impact.

The high-quality teaching strategies influence and support children's early education. Strong relationships ensure that staff benefit greatly from a whole setting approach that 'we are a community'. The training modules linked to statutory requirements and early years practice are highly effective.

This results in staff having the skills to support all children's development and learning to the highest standard.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The manager and staff team have an exceptionally secure knowledge of safeguarding and child protection.

This includes the 'early help' referral and allegation procedures. Staff clearly explain their role and responsibility for keeping children safe from abuse or harm. In addition, they are equally aware of concerns associated with extremist views, female genital mutilation and radicalisation.

Robust recruitment, induction and suitability checks ensure that all staff are suitable to work with children. Clear policies and procedures are in place and implemented in practice, particularly regarding risk assessment. Policies are shared with parents and updated regularly to reflect changes in legislation.

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