Perform W8

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About Perform W8

Name Perform W8
Address Kensington United Reformed Church, Allen Street, London, Middlesex, W8 6BL
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority KensingtonandChelsea
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children thoroughly enjoy their time at Perform W8. They are well looked after by caring staff, who are kind and sensitive to their individual needs.

Children demonstrate that they feel secure as they participate wholeheartedly with the many exciting learning opportunities. They are confident to say if they do not wish to join a group activity and are well supported by staff, who help them to choose an alternative. The games and activities are carefully planned to help children concentrate and develop their confidence, coordination and communication skills.

For example, children learn new vocabulary as they discuss positiv...e words and emotions to add to a 'word potion'. Staff support children to listen respectfully to other children's views and to confidently express their own. They motivate children to explore their ideas further, through their words and physical actions.

Children are excited and enthusiastic as they move around, pretending to be the characters from their show.Children are aware of the staff's high expectations. They behave well and display positive attitudes throughout the day.

Children are keen to practise the songs for their final performance. They speak excitedly about their parts in the production and who will be coming to watch them.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders promote self-reflection and further development throughout all aspects of the club.

This ensures that the quality of the provision is consistently high and continually evolves to meet children's needs. For instance, staff are aware that national lockdowns during the COVID-19 epidemic have affected some children's confidence and social skills. They have considered this well when planning the games and activities.

For example, children giggle with delight at a funny game, which uses 'banana language', and shy children soon find the confidence to join in.Staff speak with enthusiasm about their roles, they say that leaders are extremely supportive, and they feel valued. Staff complete a wide range of training, to familiarise themselves with the club procedures and the aims for children.

This ensures that the provision runs smoothly and children receive excellent care. Staff describe the satisfaction they feel as they see children's confidence and social skills 'blossom' at the club.Parents receive good communication from staff about their children's day.

They praise staff for their kindness, passion and professionalism and say that their children cannot wait to come back. Parents comment on their children's increased confidence since attending the club. They describe how children benefit from the opportunities to develop their movement and speech.

Children's views are listened to and valued by staff. For example, children help staff to set out the boundaries for behaviour at the start of the class. They agree on rules, such as being kind and respectful to others.

Staff and children discuss the rules regularly, therefore, they are clearly understood and shared by all.Staff get to know the children individually and are sensitive to their needs. They have robust systems to manage issues, such as children's dietary requirements.

For instance, staff ensure that foods such as grapes have been prepared safely, to lessen the risk of children choking. They are vigilant at mealtimes and ensure that children understand that they must not share food, in case somebody has a food allergy.Children are highly imaginative and creative.

For instance, they design colourful cards, to invite their families to see their show. Children think carefully about the pictures that they draw and write thoughtful messages to their parents. Older children are kind and considerate of their younger peers.

They notice when they need help with writing and quickly offer their support.Staff promote healthy lifestyles for children extremely well. The games and activities are highly motivating and encourage children to be physically active.

Routines also include quieter periods, such as story times, when children rest and relax. Staff remind children to stay well hydrated and to make healthy choices from their packed lunches.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders fully understand their safeguarding responsibilities and promote a strong safeguarding culture at the club. Staff receive safeguarding training and understand their role to protect children from harm. They confidently describe the signs of potential abuse and neglect.

Leaders and staff know how to report concerns about the welfare of a child or the conduct of an adult. They are vigilant to risks and follow club procedures, to help maintain a safe and secure environment. The provider implements robust recruitment and selection procedures, to help ensure that staff are suitable to work with children.

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