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30th Signal Regiment, Gamecock Barracks, Bazzard Road, Bramcote, NUNEATON, Warwickshire
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Leaders have significantly improved the overseeing of safeguarding processes and procedures since the last inspection. Management are passionate about the continuous vision and improvements they want to make.
This has a positive impact on the safety and well-being of all children.Leaders work closely with staff to implement a curriculum that reflects all children's individual needs and interests. They continually observe children and use the information to plan interesting learning experiences that help close the gaps in children's knowledge.
Staff regularly assess children's progress and understand how children learn.... As a result, all children make good progress from their starting points.All children flourish in this welcoming and nurturing nursery.
Staff gather detailed information about children from the start. This helps them get to know children and build positive relationships. All staff are attentive and caring.
They are reassuring and kind and offer hugs to children if they need it. Consequently, children settle quickly and demonstrate that they feel happy and safe here. Staff are good role models and manage children's behaviour effectively.
They create rules with the children and these are implemented across the whole nursery. Staff support all children with their feelings and emotions well. They fully explain the impact any unwanted behaviour has on others.
Staff support younger children in sharing and taking turns and older children in listening and resolving minor conflicts. As a result, children show respect towards others, and this prepares them well for their next stage in education.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Management and staff now keep accurate, comprehensible and detailed safeguarding records.
Management have created systems to support them to see the chronology of any concerns and actions taken. Processes for logging and checking safeguarding concerns are clearly documented in detail. Staff report any safeguarding concerns in a timely manner and referrals are made to other agencies.
This helps keep all children safe.Children have many opportunities to practise mark making and develop their small hand muscles. For example, they enjoy painting and manipulating dough.
However, staff do not always provide children with resources that are developmentally appropriate. This does not support the youngest children to make the best possible progress they can.Leaders understand their role in supporting children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
Ongoing assessment helps to identify any gaps in children's learning and development. Staff act quickly when there are concerns and meet with parents. Leaders have close links with external agencies and work with them to get children the specialist support they need to help them make the best possible progress.
The nursery celebrates the diverse community and families it serves. Staff and children learn about one another and enjoy learning new words and songs from different languages. Children also enjoy learning about various festivals throughout the year and about the wider, more diverse range of families outside of their own experiences.
Staff prioritise communication and language development in their curriculum. They create a language-rich environment for all children and follow their lead in play. They model good language and teach children new words, which supports all children to make good progress in their communication and language development.
Interactions that children receive from staff are generally positive and thought-provoking to encourage learning. However, on some occasions, not all staff identify and build on children's immediate interests as they arise during play. This means that, at times, not all staff consistently extend children's learning or thinking skills.
Parents feel staff are very welcoming, supportive and caring. They appreciate how the team has helped them and their children settle. They speak very highly of them and report that their children enjoy attending and have built strong bonds with staff.
Children delight in spending lots of time playing outside. They play outside in all weathers, get lots of fresh air daily and confidently move around the garden in various ways, such as running, jumping and hopping. Staff teach children how to peddle bikes, and children develop their coordination and core strength as they dig in sand and play in the water, pouring and tipping from various containers.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: review the organisation of resources provided for children during activities to ensure that they are developmentally appropriate support staff to recognise how to make the most of opportunities to extend children's learning and thinking skills even further as they play.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.