Petts Wood Mandarin-English Preschool

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About Petts Wood Mandarin-English Preschool

Name Petts Wood Mandarin-English Preschool
Ofsted Inspections
Address Southborough Lane Baptist Church, Southborough Lane, Bromley, Kent, BR2 8BQ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Bromley
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children show that they are happy and ready to learn as they enter the setting. They receive good levels of support, which motivate them to explore the rich and varied learning environments. For example, indoors, children practise their small-muscle skills as they pretend to make cups of tea and manipulate play dough.

Outdoors, they develop their mathematical skills as they play with water or in the mud kitchen. Children gain important skills that are needed for their future education. Children respond well to staff's high expectations for their learning.

Their enjoyment of learning Mandarin and English is clear to see.... This is because staff are enthusiastic and provide children with constant praise and encouragement. Children sing popular nursery songs, count items and retell stories in both languages.

They often giggle and squeal with delight, which shows their enjoyment. Children develop warm and trusting relationships with staff, who are friendly, loving and approachable. They receive spontaneous cuddles and plenty of reassurance, which support their emotional well-being.

Children are polite and well mannered. Their positive behaviour shows that they feel safe and secure.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

At the heart of the setting is a strong focus on developing children's knowledge of Mandarin and the English language.

Children of all ages have plenty of opportunities to hear and use both languages during play and group activities. As a result, they learn to value the diversity of languages spoken in the setting.The provider, supported well by dedicated staff, evaluates and brings about positive improvements to benefit children.

For example, she has reviewed the organisation of the play areas, which has increased children's confidence in learning.Staff find that they receive good levels of support from the management team. They have opportunities to develop their knowledge and skills.

For example, some staff have completed training which has enhanced children's fascination with media and materials. However, the monitoring of staff's professional development is not focused sharply to identify how individual staff members can raise their teaching to the highest level.Staff observe and monitor children's learning from the outset.

They also collect information from parents to help plan age-appropriate activities. For instance, staff teach older children to identify and use different letter sounds in fun and meaningful ways. Children develop their early reading skills in readiness for school.

The progress children make from their various starting points is rapid and sustained.Staff promote children's good health effectively. For example, they ask children to wash their hands regularly to prevent the spread of infections.

Children eat healthy and nutritious meals and have access to fresh drinking water throughout the day. They have plenty of opportunities to exercise and have fresh air. Children learn to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Staff encourage children to explore the learning environments freely. This increases children's confidence to make decisions for themselves. However, on some occasions, staff do not plan the daily routines as effectively as possible, particularly between activities and mealtimes.

As a result, some children become disengaged from their learning.Children form strong friendships with their peers. They play well together and take turns.

Children's behaviour is good.From a young age, children gain high levels of independence skills. They take age-appropriate responsibility for their own care needs, including toileting.

In addition, children help staff to tidy away toys and sweep the floors. This teaches children to look after their environment.Parents' verbal feedback and responses to the setting's questionnaire are very positive.

They appreciate how staff make effective use of the online application to inform them about their children's learning and daily routines. Parents find staff friendly, approachable and committed to their roles and responsibilities. The strong partnership between parents and staff has great benefits for children's learning, including their well-being.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The provider ensures that staff complete regular training to keep their knowledge of safeguarding up to date. Staff know how to identify potential risks posed to children, including exposure to extreme views and behaviour.

They know how to raise their concerns, including if there are allegations against their colleagues. The provider carries out rigorous checks to ensure staff looking after children are suitable to do so. She works well with staff to protect children from any unauthorised persons entering the setting.

Staff deployment is effective. This helps staff to supervise children well, indoors and outdoors.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nextend the opportunities for staff to engage in targeted professional development to build on their teaching skills and to raise these to the highest level review and improve the planning of the daily routines, particularly between activities and mealtimes, to maximise children's engagement to make even better progress in their learning.

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