Pinner Parish Pre-School

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About Pinner Parish Pre-School

Name Pinner Parish Pre-School
Ofsted Inspections
Address St. John The Baptist Church Hall, Pinner Parish Church, Church Lane, Pinner, Middlesex, HA5 3AA
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Harrow
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Children thrive in this calm environment, which fully embraces a child-centred approach. Each child is truly valued as an individual.

The wide range of activities offered to children are planned by staff to include their interests as well as stretch their development. These activities support children to make excellent progress. Children are highly motivated to take part in the variety of interesting activities and demonstrate very high levels of engagement.

For example, during a cutting and sticking activity, children show high levels of concentration as they create small individual collages. They are shown how... to hold scissors correctly and follow instructions from the staff. Children carefully cut picture shapes out of catalogues before gluing these to their individual papers.

Staff give ownership to the children during activities, resulting in children demonstrating high levels of self-esteem and pride in their achievements.Children are relaxed and comfortable in the care of the professional, dedicated staff and demonstrate high levels of emotional security. Staff provide lots of praise and encouragement, resulting in children developing a 'can-do' attitude.

Children demonstrate high levels of respect for each other, waiting their turn, sharing and saying 'please' and 'thank you' regularly, without staff prompting them.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Partnerships with parents are excellent. Parents are invited into the pre-school and have the opportunity to join them on trips in the local community and for regular family events.

There is exceptional communication between the pre-school staff and parents. Parents feel fully involved in their child's learning and development. They report that they are well informed about the curriculum and how to support their child's learning at home.

Children are given lots of opportunities to be active and develop their physical skills. This includes an extra-curricular dance activity which also supports social development, confidence and their attention and listening skills. Children participating in this activity watch patiently as each of their peers takes their turn, encouraging each other, clapping and praising their dancing.

Dedicated staff have an excellent understanding of child development. Staff take the time to get to know their key children individually and ensure that children, alongside their parents, are involved in their learning journey. Staff discuss each child's needs and plan a wide variety of suitable, stimulating activities.

Staff are clear about what their children need to learn next.The development of children's communication and language is a priority. Skilled staff support children with discussions about their play and learning.

Children whose language is not as developed are given time to think about what they are trying to say and supported to extend their sentences. The result is children who are confident speakers who know that their thoughts and views are valued.Children's independence skills are developed through everyday activities.

Children cut up fruit before serving themselves. Staff observe this, asking 'can I help you?' before stepping in when a child is seen to be struggling.Staff are quick to identify children who have special educational needs and/or disabilities, working with parents to ensure that appropriate referrals and support are in place.

This means that children's needs are met effectively and they are given the same opportunities to succeed as their peers.Children's behaviour is excellent. Staff are clear about expectations, and children respond positively to instructions.

There is a very respectful culture, and children mirror this in how they speak to one another. During minor points of conflict, skilled staff support children to talk about the rules of sharing and being kind. 'Golden values' are embedded throughout the pre-school.

Children remind each other of these as they play. For example, children remind each other that it is 'kind to share'.The committee works closely with management to ensure that the high standards of the pre-school are maintained and continuously improve.

Staff report high levels of support from management, which includes supporting their well-being. Training is given high regard. Staff are given the time to attend courses of their choice and encouraged to do so.

Staff discuss their learning together, sharing new knowledge and skills with one another to fully support children's learning.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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