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About Pioneer Childcare - Halsford Park
Pioneer Childcare - Halsford Park
Halsford Park Primary School, Manor Road, East Grinstead, Sussex, RH19 1LR
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children arrive happily and settle in quickly. Staff greet the children warmly, and children are excited to see them and to share news about their day.
Children have access to a range of resources and games to play with. They make the most of the activities provided and engage quickly in activities of their choosing. Staff plan experiences and activities that capture children's interests and link to topics and special events that are happening in school.
For example, children enjoy taking part in challenging physical games to prepare for their upcoming Sports Day. They cheer on their friends during competitive games and ca...refully listen to instructions and follow the club rules.Children form good relationships with staff and develop close and supportive friendships with children from different schools and year groups.
They particularly enjoy being outside with their friends and laugh with delight when chasing each other during relay and running races. Children have lots of opportunities to be creative, and staff encourage children to develop their own ideas while they create pictures. Staff praise their efforts and achievements and children are extremely proud to share their creations.
Children say they love being at the club and particularly enjoy playing outdoor games, such as dodge ball and tag. They behave extremely well. Children show respect for staff and each other as they engage in meaningful conversations.
They share, take turns and use good manners. Very occasionally, younger children can become upset or lose focus. During these times, children receive close attention and encouragement from staff, who re-engage them well.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The manager is dedicated and extremely passionate about providing the highest quality care. She is reflective and regularly evaluates practice and procedures to identify areas to improve. The staff team work well together and have a shared vision to provide a club where children feel welcome, safe and happy.
They act as excellent role models and talk to the children and one another respectfully. Staff know the children and their individual personalities well.Staff promote children's health and well-being effectively.
Children have lots of opportunities to be physically active. They take part in active group activities, such as ball games and relay races. This helps children to collaborate, build resilience and be confident to compete as part of a team.
Staff encourage children to recognise and manage their physical needs independently. For example, staff adjust routines due to hot weather and offer plenty of drinking breaks. Children follow good hygiene routines, such as washing their hands when entering the club and before eating.
Staff support children to learn about the importance of healthy eating and provide nutritious snack options.Partnership working between the club staff and the school is strong. Staff make the time to pass on any messages to teachers at the school and obtain information to help them support individual children's care and well-being.
There are effective systems in place to ensure children arrive to and from the club safely.Staff promote equality and diversity well. They encourage children to talk about their different families, experiences, cultures and backgrounds.
Staff listen attentively as children talk, helping to build their conversational skills. This helps all children to learn about people, places, cultures and traditions beyond their own.Parents speak very highly of the club.
They say that staff put the children at the heart of everything they do. Before new children start at the club, staff gather key information from parents, to ensure they meet children's individual needs and interests. Parents report that they are kept regularly updated about the club through daily discussions and emails.
They value the support that staff give to their children and say staff are approachable and friendly.Staff feel well supported by the manager. They have regular meetings where they discuss any safeguarding matters, share information about their key children and discuss topics for the week ahead.
Staff attend regular mandatory training. They are recognised for their expertise and the manager empowers them to grow and develop within their roles. Staff say they love working at the club and feel valued.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.All staff demonstrate a secure understanding of their safeguarding responsibilities. They complete regular training and have a good understanding of factors that would suggest a child is at risk from harm or abuse, including children being at risk from extremism and radicalisation.
Staff are clear about the procedures to follow should they have a concern about a child's welfare. They understand how to escalate concerns to ensure prompt and appropriate action is taken to keep children safe. Robust recruitment and induction procedures are in place to help ensure staff suitability.
Risk assessment procedures are thorough. Effective arrangements followed by staff help to ensure the premises are safe and secure. There are rigorous collection procedures in place to ensure children are collected safely.