Pippa Pop-ins

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About Pippa Pop-ins

Name Pippa Pop-ins
Ofsted Inspections
Address 430 Fulham Road, LONDON, SW6 1DU
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Gender Mixed
Local Authority HammersmithandFulham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Children thrive in this exceptional nursery where staff put children at the heart of everything they do.

Children arrive to a warm welcome from staff, who build strong relationships with children and parents. Staff encourage parents to share information that may impact on a child's day. They consider this information when planning for each child so that they meet and support all children's individual needs.

Children feel safe as they know staff listen to them and respond to their needs. Staff are positive role models, who demonstrate their expectations throughout the day to support children. This helps children ...to learn by example.

Staff swiftly resolve any unwanted behaviour. They use positive approaches so that children begin to understand their feelings and emotions. From a young age, children learn the nursery routines and respond positively.

For example, staff prepare children for changes during the day and encourage them to be independent. When children hear the 'tidy-up song;, young children excitedly fill baskets with the resources they have been playing with before settling down for a song-time session. Older children happily accept extra responsibilities with their friends to carry baskets together as they clear the room for lunchtime.

Children behave exceptionally well and have a positive attitude to their learning.Leaders create an ambitious and exciting curriculum that incorporates children's individual interests. Staff provide a broad range of activities and resources to inspire children to learn and engage.

They demonstrate through their approach in teaching that every child, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities, has a right to reach their full potential.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders provide a rich range of learning opportunities that encourage children to be curious, explore, take risks and have a go. As a result, children demonstrate, from a young age, confidence in their learning.

Leaders have exceptionally high expectations for every child to thrive and be prepared for the next stage in learning. The curriculum is sequenced well to teach children what they need to know now and what they need to learn next. Staff embed children's learning at every stage, before moving on.

As a result, children engage in learning throughout the day with outstanding teaching and excellent behaviour.Leaders value their staff and ensure that they provide continual training that is based on evidence-based research. Leaders support staff's well-being, and staff share that they feel valued and supported by leaders.

They have a voice in the nursery, and leaders encourage them to share ideas. This helps to create a happy working environment.The focus on the development of children's communication and language is evident throughout the nursery.

Staff talk to children throughout the day. They listen to children and ensure that they are at eye level so that children know they matter. Staff use open-ended questioning with children to promote two-way conversations.

Young children demonstrate confidence as they happily recall their friends' names as they sing the 'welcome song' in the morning. Toddlers enjoy singing nursery rhymes. Older children enjoy conversations at mealtimes with their peers and make links to their real-life experiences, which they happily share with the group.

As a result, children, including those who speak English as an additional language, learn to become excellent and confident communicators.Children thrive in building their physical development. In the garden, they play catch and roll balls.

Staff encourage children to use an obstacle course to balance on benches, and children encourage their friends to complete the course. Children continually demonstrate kindness and respectfulness to their friends and often share without prompting. Staff support younger children to climb the slide.

Children show delight as they move their body down the slide with speed. Indoors, children enjoy concentrating in manipulating small parts as they build their finger muscles. This supports their early writing skills.

Children develop a love of books from a young age. Staff are highly skilled in supporting children with their expectations. Children handle books with care, and young children demonstrate how to turn pages gently and engage in the world of books.

Children listen eagerly to books that staff read and link with their current topic. They recall knowledge they have already learned with complex sentences.Parents speak highly of the exceptional leadership and staff.

They share that the robust settling-in process provides them with reassurance that their children are safe and happy. They speak with gratitude of the daily updates and weekly booklet that informs them of what their children are learning and what they can do at home to extend learning further. Staff encourage parents to share their cultures and heritages, which are celebrated in the nursery.

This helps to give every child a sense of belonging.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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